Today Is Your Day

Pastor Gray exclaims today is the day of salvation.

The church in America has been living in the gilded age, but God is bringing forth His true church as gold in the refiner’s fire. The church has entered the Refiner’s fire.

What dross will melt away from you?

You Are Sealed

Pastor Gray expounds on how we are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

We need not fear death or the coming tribulation. Instead we are to be salt and light to those around us.

Listen in and be encouraged.

These Things I Have Spoken

Pastor Gray examines John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you.”

What were those things Jesus told His disciples and us? Listen in and rejoice.

We Are About to Suffer

Pastor looks at the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia from Revelation 2.

We are in the last days before the return of Christ. We are about to suffer, and that suffering will usher in revival. We need to be grounded in the Word. We need to live and know Jesus as if we are going through 7 years of tribulation, but need to have the faith to believe that He’s coming for us any time.