No Revelation, No Vision

Pastor begins his sermon on vision with prophecy from the people. Where there is no vision, the people perish, but happy is he who keeps the law.

Pastor explains that where there is no prophetic word, the people are blind, and today’s churches are blind because the prophets are not talking.

Listen in and discover two negative spirits that have entered into the church and possibly affected even you.

A special message from the Lord


Message: I saw a father, and he had his hand out, and he was holding the hand of his child. As he walked along all of a sudden that child pulled its hand away. It wanted to go its own way and run away. His desire was that that child would stay close because there’s a lot of things, evil things, out there to pull us away. He wants us to come close so he can protect us because he loves us so much.

Don’t pull away like a child. Stay close and keep a hold of the Father’s hand. He’s going to lead you through times of troubles. He’s going to lead you through and He’s going to give you victory. The victory that you desire in your heart, that’s what He desires for His children. So stay close to your Father. He loves you so much. He has good things in store for you.

Pastor’s words: Let’s worship the Lord. Worthy. Stay close to the Father. Isn’t that true? I just had that dream last night, by the way, if you want to know the truth, of a little child just pulling away and running away. And we couldn’t find the child because it should have stayed close. And we should have kept our hand on it.

Listen, stay close to the Father. Man, He’s got a hold of you. And I know that you think sometimes He’s not here, but He has never forsaken you, nor me, nor will he ever leave us. Amen. Can you say amen to that?

I like this part that Paul said to Timothy. He said, “Timothy, when you’re faithless, God remains faithful.” John says in 1 John, listen what he said, he said, “When your heart deceives you, God is greater than your heart.” How about that?

We like every coming from the heart, but sometimes the heart can deceive us. Or those emotions and feelings can deceive us. But God’s is greater than that. Someone say amen to that.

June 30, 2019 Prophetic Message

Trust Me, even when you can't see the whole picture.

“I love you.

“Why do you reason with what I have told you I’m going to do? I have told you what I’m going to do for you. Now believe me. I am well able to accomplish My Word.

“Trust and believe; cast it on Me. I don’t want you carrying it. I came to carry it. Trust me.

“I love you. I will fulfill My Word that I have spoken to you.”

It’s Beginning to Rain

Image by Thaliesin from Pixabay

It’s beginning to rain–spiritually. This rain will bring nourishment, revelation, and life-giving encouragement. You need all of these to live successfully in this time.

But your greatest need is to be so filled with My Word that when you exhale, My Word is heard.

The time for signs, wonders, and miracles is approaching. It is spread out all over the world now, but soon you will hear of outpourings. Do not run to them. I will bring them to you.

When you see the clouds, you know the rain is coming. You are My prepared soil and much will spring forth. Be encouraged. The drought is over and the rain begins.

Stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord. Do you hear what the Spirit is saying? Open My Word and you will hear.

Are You Hungry?

table full of food
Image by jinsoo jang from Pixabay

Those who are will be fed. Hunger will lead you to seek more. Contentment can make you lazy. You must decide whether to come to My table.

I have prepared a feast before you, but those who refuse to come will not be satisfied. I come to bring life abundantly–not just getting by. Come and sit in My Presence. Eat of My Food. It will bring satisfaction and yet a hunger for more.

Feed on My Word and you will never know malnutrition. My Word will build a strong foundation on which all else will stand.

Hunger is good when it leads you to the table to be fed. Com and learn of My Word. Seek more! Don’t be content with a snack when I have prepared a feast. My provision for you is waiting. Come to my table. I will sup with you.

Are You My Child?

A lone hiker on a mountaintop plain.

Do you not know how I want to care for you? But so many times I must watch as My children struggle to walk alone.

When you surrender to My will when you repent and receive My free gift of salvation, then I will direct your steps. You have only to ask and believe.

Many are deceived and don’t understand My love. My heart’s desire is to have a relationship with My children. The time is approaching soon when My church, those who know Me as Lord and Savior, will come home.

Don’t let pride or stubbornness keep you away. Come just as you are today, not next week. This is the day of salvation. Can you trust Me? I will do all I’ve promised. My Kingdom is forever and it is for you.

God’s Word

An open Bible next to a cup of coffee. Read God's Word to find His will.
Image by peachknee from Pixabay

The Bible – My Word – is not just another book. It is My Voice. It is supernaturally filled with My Power – power to accomplish My Will. It is a navigational system for My children – “walk this way – don’t walk there.”

How can you walk in faith if you don’t know My Will? My Will is My Word.

It is not brilliant minds that change the world, but surrendered hearts to whom I reveal Myself – it’s your determination to walk where I lead.

It’s almost time for one of My greatest hours – and My church must be prepared and equipped – and this is by My Word.

It will be done!  Choose! Are you with Me? Come, believe and read My Word. I will do the rest.

~A message from God to The Church

Press Through

Don’t just give up or lay down when hard times come. And, if you are alive, hard times will come. That is not the time to do nothing – but the time to get in My Word. Speak My promises out loud – believe in your heart!

Put on praise songs and sing! All of the things that take effort – do them because they work. They change the very air that you breathe and bring light into a dark time. Know that these times are not forever – but a season.

Sometimes it is just a matter of giving yourself rest – of saying not now, when life gets too busy. But never, never give up! Rest in Me. Find a quiet spot in which to be restored. You will come through with a strengthened determination.

Always know that I will never leave you. My love will always sustain and empower you. Press on!

Daily Transformation

There is a continual transformation in this life. Beholding the Lord and His glory, we are “transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Cor. 3:18).

There is a continual unveiling, a constant revelation, a repeated clothing from above. I want you to promise God never to look back, never to go back. Nothing of what the Spirit has said is done away with. I promised the Lord that I would never allow myself to doubt His Word.

Mustard Seed

mustard seeds

Trust God to transform the smallest faith into a mighty kingdom.

The mustard tree is drought tolerant, and if we have faith even the size of a tiny mustard seed, we too can tolerate the dry times in our lives, the difficult growing seasons of a Christian. And even when we are “planted” in poor soil we can still grow, even if we only have a small amount of faith.

Incidentally, the mustard tree has many uses. Mustard trees have been found in various locations throughout the world. Even though it’s one of the smallest seeds, the trees can grow up to 20 feet tall and 20 feet wide. The tree can grow in arid, dry climates and thrive even in clay or sandy soil. It can grow in hot, dry weather or cool, wet climates.

I see the mustard seed as being symbolic of faith in that our faith can be tested in the “dry times,” the most difficult of circumstances (drought, poor soil, and in clay or sandy ground).  Also, even if the tree is cut down to the trunk, it can grow back again, so the analogy is that even during times of pruning, the believer can overcome and come back stronger than ever.