God Wants Us to Multiply

Pastor John, from India, expounds on the principle of multiplication in God’s kingdom, using Acts 6:7 and 2 Cor. 8:1-2. The blessings of multiplication happen because of prayer, the spirit of giving, being bold, and being filled with the spirit.

We Are Salt & Light to the World – 7-22-18

Pastor Larry Gray expounds on Matthew 5:13-14, we are the salt and light of the world. Our job as born-again Christians is to teach others how to become a citizen in God’s Kingdom.

God wants us to learn how to live in His Kingdom.

The Kingdom of the Lamb – Pastor Doc Shell

Monday night revival services with Pastor Doc Shell. Pastor Shell examines the Kingdom of the Lamb as presented in Revelation 5 and what that means for us.

We Have Been Given the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

We have been given the keys to the kingdom of heaven. What does that mean for us?

Listen as Pastor Gray explains the power that places in our hands.