Our Biblical Identity

Guest speaker Pastor Doc Shell preaches on the message of the cross and what it says about our biblical identity.

Recheck Our Direction

On night 2 of the Hosanna Fall Kingdom Advance conference, Pastor Shell discusses the need to recheck our direction.

He looks at 3 things: God’s checklist for the journey, that God takes the cross and turns our weakness into the demonstration of God’s power, and God’s roadmap to home.

The Power of the Cross

Pastor Doc Shell kicks off the Hosanna Fall Kingdom Advance 2023 Conference by speaking about the power of the cross.

To start, we must ask ourselves two questions: Why did the cross have to be? and What does it mean to me?

Listen in and be encouraged.

The Power of His Name

On the final night of revival services, Pastor Shell preaches on the power of Jesus’ name.

What Is Faith

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” On night 4 of the revival, Pastor Shell discusses what faith is, where it comes from, and how to get it.

Holy Spirit Baptism

On night 3 of revival services, Pastor Shell expounds on the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

(Due to technical difficulties there is a disruption in the message about halfway through.)

God’s Eternal Difference

In the light of Matthew 7:23, “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you,'” guest speaker Pastor Doc Shell discusses three substitutes people make for salvation.

Unless a Grain of Wheat

On night 2 of Hosanna’s revival services, Pastor Shell examines John 12:23-26, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone.

The Currency of the Kingdom of Heaven

Pastor Doc Shell leads off with Isaiah 55:1-3 to begin 5 days of revival services.

The currency of the Kingdom is not what you’d expect. And it’s freely available to all! Listen in and find out more.

Dandridge Conference 7-12-19 Doc Shell