Lay It All Down

Pastor Gray looks at Ephesians 2:12-15. This is part 6 of the series.

Pastor expounds on the work of Jesus to bring the Gentiles into God’s kingdom. He encourages us to lay down anything that is hindering our lives.

Did you miss any of the previous sermons on Ephesians? Catch them here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.

Be a Priscilla and Aquila

Pastor John Gaddam, from our sister church in India, looks at the lives of Priscilla and Aquila. He encourages us to be as committed to the Lord in our work for him as they were.

Where Is Your Priority?

Pastor John Gaddam, from our sister church in India, delivers a powerful message on making God our first priority in all areas of our lives.

God’s Work – Our Work

Pastor Gray continues his exposition on Ephesians.

Our works do not gain us salvation; that is a gift from God. But once we are saved, God has a work for us to complete.

(Part of Pastor’s series through Ephesians.)

Are You in Jeopardy?

Pastor Gray continues our journey through Ephesians with chapter 2.

Jesus came to reconcile the world to God; however, many willfully reject the Word. Today, while there is still time, you can accept Jesus as Savior, Healer, and Deliverer.

Listen in.

If you missed earlier episodes, here they are: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

The Name Above All Names

Jesus isn’t some name we simply tag on to the end of our prayers. It is the Name above all names.

Pastor Gray preaches on the power and authority that the name of Jesus embodies.

Our Position in Christ

Pastor Gray continues our journey through Ephesians.

In the opening chapters of Ephesians, the apostle Paul emphasizes our position in Christ and the power that comes with that. Discover the power that resides within the born again believer.

Repair the Breach

Pastor Bill Grace delivers a powerful sermon on Isaiah 58:1-12.

God has called us to repair the breach and bring restoration. But first we must take a look at ourselves and our spiritual condition.

Are you strong in faith? Are you ready to be a messenger of restoration?

Our Power and Authority

Pastor Gray begins a series on Ephesians 1.

This week Pastor examines the power and authority we gain in our position in Christ. Discover all Christ has done through His death on the cross.

With Christ – In Christ

Pastor Gray examines Eph. 1:1-8.

Ephesians 1:1-8 is chockful of what Christ has done for us and our position in Christ. We have been chosen, predestined, and adopted.

Discover how with those three things we have been given all of heaven.