Pastor expounds on sowing to the flesh and sowing to the spirit. In doing this he examines two types of unholy Christians, how they live, and the answer to unholy living.
The Father Disciplines Whom He Loves
Pastor Gray delivers a Father’s Day message.
God disciplines His children for their good, that they may share in His holiness. Discipline brings a child into obedience, and obedience brings that child into maturity. That maturity is what will establish your nation and your church.
Fathers, do not be afraid to discipline your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
The Word of God Is Living and Active
Pastor Gray examines Hebrews 4:12-16. All that Jesus did in his ministry he did as a man through the Word of God.
When you say to the devil, “It is written,” he can’t do anything about it. Because the Word destroys the foundation of the devil. Coming as a man, Jesus showed us how to overcome the devil through the written Word.
There is nothing in our lives that God can’t take of–body, soul, or spirit. God can take care of it all.
Go to the Reference Book!
Pastor Gray dissects 1 John 2:15-17, 3 things the Lord says are of the world and not of Him.
Satan tempted Jesus in each of these points after His 40 days in the desert. But Jesus went to the Word, the reference book, to defeat each temptation.
When you face temptations, are you going to the Reference Book?
Wake Up! We Are Between Two Opinions
Pastor Gray turns to Matthew 12:43-45 with particular emphasis on verse 45, “this is the way it will also be with this evil generation.”
People follow where the power falls, and so the prophet Elijah forced the issue in a demonstration of power on Mt. Carmel.
Today, we stand in Israel’s place…are you worshipping false gods or the one true God?
The Day of Pentecost
Pastor Bill Grace examines the events of the day of Pentecost and what the baptism of the Holy Spirit brings us.
NOW Faith
Do you have faith right now and is it always with you?
If you are saved, you have now faith for anything you need in your life right now. But you must use your faith.
“There is nothing in your life that the Word will not take care of.” Faith extends beyond our natural ability. Go to the written Word and to the living Word, which is Jesus. God will provide.
Lean on God
Pastor examines the birth of Esau and Jacob, and mothers.
Like Jacob’s mother, Rebekah, we too often step in to help God rather than simply reminding Him of His word to us.
Fan the Flames of Revival Now 5-2-21
Pastor Larry Gray Jr. exhorts us to fan the flames of revival now.
We are the church of Acts and the church of Acts is for today. When the Word of God is spoken, it’s loud, it’s recognizable, and it’s drawing.
People need Jesus. Speak the Word!