These Things I Have Spoken

Pastor Gray examines John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you.”

What were those things Jesus told His disciples and us? Listen in and rejoice.

Sanctified Vessels of the Lord

Pastor Gray preaches from Ecclesiastes 12 about kings David, Solomon, and Hezekiah.

Each of these kings had sin in their lives, but the Lord forgave them, as is witnessed in the Chronicles. He does the same for us.

Naaman the Leper

Pastor Gray preaches on Naaman the leper from 2 Kings 5.

Though Naaman was the enemy of Israel, he came to the prophet Elisha for healing. He was told to dip 7 times in the Jordan. How can we apply this to our lives today? Listen in to learn.

It Is Finished

Pastor Gray looks at what Jesus accomplished when He said, “It is finished.”

Heaven Is a Real Place

Pastor encourages us to examine ourselves for sin that might be hindering our faith and our witness to others.

The Ministry of Deliverance

Jesus came to unbind people from the works of the devil. Pastor Eddie Lawrence teaches on the ministry of deliverance and then ministers deliverance.

Teach Others

Guest Pastor Eddie Lawrence shows us the power of the Holy Spirit and admonishes us to teach others to do what Jesus taught us to do.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Guest Pastor Eddie Lawrence preaches on the difference between being filled with the Spirit and being baptized in the Spirit. Afterward he ministers healing.

Enter into Rest

Pastor examines Matt. 11:28-29, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me.”

The Courts of Heaven

Pastor Gray examines several Scriptures as he shows us the courts of heaven.

Do we know our rights as citizens of God’s kingdom? And how do we enter into the courts of heaven to be heard?