Mustard-seed Faith

Pastor Gray examines the mustard-seed faith Jesus spoke of in Matt. 17:20.

Then he goes on to look at faith/lack of faith/repentance pattern of the kings of the Old Testament and applies it to us today.

Cast Out Demons

Jesus gave the believer a five-fold ministry in the Great Commission.

The first part of that ministry is to cast out demons. Yes, every believer can cast out demons. Listen in for more.

God Our Healer

In this powerful message, Pastor Gray examines several Scriptures that show us God is our healer, starting with Isaiah 53:1-5.

Jesus has told us, as born again believers, to preach the gospel and heal the sick. Listen in to discover how He has empowered us to do that.

We Are to Proclaim

Pastor Gray looks at Esther 4:14-15 as well as Revelation 19:11-16.

Like Queen Esther, we have attained unto royalty for such a time as this. We serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and are to proclaim His kingdom.

Operate in Your Spiritual Authority

Pastor Bill Grace exhorts us on operating in the spiritual authority that God has given us.

Listen in and discover how to fight the devil and win.

God Won’t Wink at Sin

Pastor Bill Grace expounds on 1 John 2:15-16, the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life.

If we could only see the hell and destruction that sin brings into our lives! God won’t wink at sin, but neither will He override our freewill. Only Jesus can bring us the satisfaction we’re looking for.

Listen in for more.

Have You Left Your First Love?

Pastor Gray examines the church at Ephesus.

Jesus held this one thing against the Ephesian church: they had left their first love. Pastor Gray encourages us to return to our first love and do the works we first did–healing the sick and preaching the gospel.

Walk in Light

Pastor Gray examines how the kingdom of God resides within the born again believer. As such believers carry the light of the kingdom everywhere they go, dispelling darkness.

Come Against the Devil

Pastor Gray looks at Matthew 11:12, “From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force.”

We are to be like John the Baptist, filled with an intensity to bring the kingdom of the gospel to those around us. Be violent toward the devil in advancing the kingdom of heaven here on Earth, but loving toward mankind.

Listen in for more.

Understanding Spiritual Authority

England has crowned a new king. And while the world watches, Pastor Bill Grace takes this time to teach about spiritual authority and how a kingdom functions.