Pastor Bill Grace encourages us to speak our faith into action.
Mustard-seed Faith
Pastor Gray examines the mustard-seed faith Jesus spoke of in Matt. 17:20.
Then he goes on to look at faith/lack of faith/repentance pattern of the kings of the Old Testament and applies it to us today.
What Is Faith
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” On night 4 of the revival, Pastor Shell discusses what faith is, where it comes from, and how to get it.
NOW Faith
Do you have faith right now and is it always with you?
If you are saved, you have now faith for anything you need in your life right now. But you must use your faith.
“There is nothing in your life that the Word will not take care of.” Faith extends beyond our natural ability. Go to the written Word and to the living Word, which is Jesus. God will provide.
The Prayer Principles of Mark 11
If you have God’s faith, then you have God speaking through you. Pastor looks at Mark 11:22-25.
You have to take the Word and mix it with faith, speak it out and believe it, and God will take care of it. Listen in for more.
The WORD of God 8-23-20
Pastor Gray examines faith and Jesus’ earthly ministry.
We each have been given a measure of faith. As we use that faith, it increases. And that one faith saves us, delivers us, heals us.
Do Not Run in Fear But Walk in Faith 3-22-2020 Pastor Gray
As the world faces down the coronavirus, God’s love will turn this around.
Man should always go to the answer, and the answer is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Have faith in God and trust the Lord.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled 2-10-19 Pastor Gray
You don’t have control over certain things, such as trouble that comes your way. But you have control over your heart.
You trust God, and God trusts you. He trusted His faith to you, that you might use His faith, just as He used His faith when He was here on Earth. When we use that faith, He increases it.
Mustard Seed

Trust God to transform the smallest faith into a mighty kingdom.
The mustard tree is drought tolerant, and if we have faith even the size of a tiny mustard seed, we too can tolerate the dry times in our lives, the difficult growing seasons of a Christian. And even when we are “planted” in poor soil we can still grow, even if we only have a small amount of faith.
Incidentally, the mustard tree has many uses. Mustard trees have been found in various locations throughout the world. Even though it’s one of the smallest seeds, the trees can grow up to 20 feet tall and 20 feet wide. The tree can grow in arid, dry climates and thrive even in clay or sandy soil. It can grow in hot, dry weather or cool, wet climates.
I see the mustard seed as being symbolic of faith in that our faith can be tested in the “dry times,” the most difficult of circumstances (drought, poor soil, and in clay or sandy ground). Also, even if the tree is cut down to the trunk, it can grow back again, so the analogy is that even during times of pruning, the believer can overcome and come back stronger than ever.