Signs America has lost its moral compass

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that America has lost its moral compass.

All the presidential candidates of one major party would take the position that it is okay to abort a human baby at all stages of gestation, even after normal birth. To many women, it is an issue that only they can decide. Roe v Wade, rightly or wrongly, provides them that opportunity. But that may be in for a change soon.

The 14th Amendment rights presently being denied babies may trump women’s rights under Roe v Wade. Noted and respected lawyers are saying it. A recent statement on the internet put it honestly and accurately: “It’s a sad day when it is easier to abort an American child than to deport an illegal alien.”

A recent letter writer wondered what the world would come to. Many of us echo that thought. The newly appointed CEO for Planned Parenthood was recently fired for wanting Planned Parenthood to become more interested in women’s health. Isn’t that what they are supposed to be about? ~Dick Jordan, St. Joseph, MO