Meditate Day and Night

The Lord’s return is near! Pastor Gray looks at Revelation 6:1-8.

The Antichrist’s activities are presently being restrained; however, our enemy is working to deceive as many as he can.

As the tribulation draws closer, we must meditate day and night on God’s Word. Only in His Word will we find the wisdom and guidance we need for the end times.

You’ll want to listen to this sermon more than once.

See and Enter the Kingdom of God

Pastor Gray dives into an examination of seeing and entering the kingdom of God.

What occurs in the process of being born again, and what does God desire of us? Does God enjoy His relationship with you?

Audio difficulties  have compromised the quality of our videos, but we are diligently working to fix this. Thank you for bearing with us.

What Is in Your Heart?

Pastor Gray looks at Romans 10:4-13, with a deeper dive into the grace of God.

When we face difficulties, what comes out of our mouths will show the world what is in our hearts. Listen in and discover more.

The Grace of God

Pray Gray preaches on Eph. 2:4-9, the grace of God.

“Even when we were dead in trespasses, [God] made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)” (Eph. 2:5 NKJV). God’s love for us surpasses all human understanding.

Listen in and discover God’s great grace for you.

A Nation of Two Histories

Pastor Gray looks at the history of the US, what was at its foundation, and how it’s changed.

He encourages us to serve the Lord Monday through Sunday, not just on Sunday.

Are you fully committed to serving the Lord?

Shut Down and Reboot

Pastor Bill Grace states that sometimes, as we do for our computers, we need to shut down and reboot our lives.

The story of the prodigal son best demonstrates God’s grace toward us in that process of rebooting our lives and seeking Him. Listen in.

Why a Baby?

On this Christmas eve, Pastor Gray asks the question, Why did Jesus come as a baby? The answer is not what you’d expect.

The cross is the supreme altar for the supreme sacrifice. Listen in and rejoice with us at His birth and His sacrifice.

In Which You Formerly Walked

Pastor Gray expounds on Ephesians 2:1-6.

You were dead in your trespasses and sins, but God made you alive in Christ. Discover the changes accepting Christ brings to your life.

Love One Another

Pastor examines the love we are to have for our fellow man and the love God has for us.

There is agapeo, to love one another, and agape love, God’s love for us. We cannot have one without the other.

Do you have them in your life?

Demons Unleashed

Pastor Larry Gray preaches on Mark 16:17, “and these signs will follow those who believe.”

Demons have been unleashed on the world like never before, but God has given us the power to overcome. Listen in and learn what God has said about those who believe.