If He Is a God, Let Him Contend for Himself

Pastor Gray expounds on letting the Egyptian gods contend for themselves. Of course they couldn’t; they didn’t exist. So the Egyptians had to call on Jehovah.

From Judges 6:12, Pastor looks at Gideon and his army of 300 against the Midianites. There is no god that can contend with Jehovah. Jesus destroyed Hell itself, and there is no god that can contend with Jesus!

Where is God leading us? He says, “I have a plan. Now trust Me.”

Trust God

A rainbow, God's symbol of trust, over a prairie river valley.

Trust must be the foundation in any relationship.  No matter if it is in a marriage, a friendship, a business relationship – and certainly in your relationship with Me, your heavenly Father.

Love cannot grow where there is no trust. How can you trust someone who doesn’t do what they say – what they promise? My Word is My promise to you. As it is written, it will be!

Trust must be built on action. You cannot trust in someone who does not do what they say.

I promise to never leave you – and I won’t. I promise to guide your every step and light the path on which you walk – when you are obedient to My Word.

Can you trust – believe? Your decision will be your future. Trust in Me – not in anything in this world.          

My love is not temporary, but everlasting – forever!

Give God the Present of Yourself 1-20-19 Pastor Bill Grace

Pastor Bill Grace shares God’s desire to connect with His children.

Are we spending time with God? Are you seeking Him and to hear from Him? He will speak to us! Let’s go forward with God.

Seasons Change

Squirrel poking his head out from snow.

In the weather and in lives, there are times for rest and there are times to work. There are seasons to learn and others to teach. You would not wear a coat in summer or sandals in winter. Be wise and a good example to others.  Be content and trust in Me.

Seasons have a time span – a beginning and an end. They have an order – spring always follows winter. That has been set in place to never change. 

Rest in My care – My provision. Even when your life seems like it’s barren and cold, like dark winter days, spring will always come. The ground must give way for new life to come forth. How much dearer and more important your life is to Me.

Have hope. Live with expectancy. Know that a change is coming – and it is good.

My love for you will never vary, never change, never end – no matter the season.

Reach for a Higher Realm 1-16-19 Pastor Gray

As it says in 2 Corinthians 5:7, we walk by faith not by sight. Pastor encourages us to reach for a higher realm as we use the faith we already have. As we use our faith, our faith will grow.

We are flawed people, but God uses flawed people. To walk in complete liberty use Jesus’ name for everything you do, and walk in Jesus’ delegated authority and power.

Wednesday Bible Study 1-16-19

Due to expected bad weather moving in, tonight’s Bible study has been cancelled.


Little man contemplating three choices: straight ahead, left, or right.

Good behavior is always rewarded–maybe not immediately.  Choices (whether good or bad) will determine your life.

To be saved is a choice – the most important one of your life.  My Word says, “Choose this day whom you will serve.”

It is a mystery why some will choose the wrong path, when the right choice seems so obvious.  There are always consequences to all that you do.

When you are unsure of which direction to go – wait.  Stop moving.  Sometimes (most of the time) the answer will come if you wait.

Don’t worry about details that you cannot control.  Pray and trust Me for direction.  I love you and will never leave you:  Nothing is impossible to those who have faith.  Believe and know that I will do all I’ve promised.  My promises are for you.

Run to the Battle 1-6-19 Pastor Gray

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12 NKJV).

We do not war according to the flesh, and we do not war against flesh and blood. Our weapons are supernatural, and so is our enemy. If we want to see the world changed for the Lord Jesus Christ, we need to get violent. Violent against the enemy, the devil.

Prophesy for 2019

“Hear me! Every church without a prayer meeting condemns us; every Bible daily unopened condemns us; every promise of God unused condemns us; every lost neighbor condemns us; every lost heathen condemns us; every dry eye among us condemns us; every wasted minute of our time condemns us; every unclaimed opportunity for God condemns us.

Next year is not ours.

Tomorrow may be too late. Unless we repent now unless we return and fire the prayer altars now, unless we fast and weep now, woe unto us at the judgment!” ~ Leonard Ravenhill, spoken in 1962

Abiding in God’s Love 12-30-18 Pastor Gray

The proclamation for 2019: The year God will speak and we will know His voice.

God is giving us time right now to judge ourselves. And He gives us the barometer in 1 John 3:14 of how you are and how you feel inside: have you passed from death unto life with eternal life abiding in you?