Jesus’ Last Words 5-12-19 Pastor Gray

Bringing to completion the old covenant, and bringing in a new covenant.

Jesus was bringing the old covenant to completion and beginning a new one. But before He could finish the work, he had to take care of his mother.

A Word from the Lord given May 5, 2019

Sunday, April 28, 2019, was a new move of God that will continue to grow. We need to start stepping out in faith, believe and trust God to perform His Word in our circumstances. If we need healing in our body, relationships, finances, all things are possible to those who believe.

God has great things He wants to do in and for His body. He is looking for His people to take a stand and just believe His Word. Know that His Word is true for all to stand on.

His Spirit is sweeping His body to ready them. Now we have to do our part if we want to be a part of His glory revealed.

There is a resurrection of gifts promised that many have laid down as though they were dead. But God says no, they will live and accomplish My purpose. As I rose from death to life, so will the gifts I have placed in you.

Hear what I have spoken.

Are You Hungry?

table full of food
Image by jinsoo jang from Pixabay

Those who are will be fed. Hunger will lead you to seek more. Contentment can make you lazy. You must decide whether to come to My table.

I have prepared a feast before you, but those who refuse to come will not be satisfied. I come to bring life abundantly–not just getting by. Come and sit in My Presence. Eat of My Food. It will bring satisfaction and yet a hunger for more.

Feed on My Word and you will never know malnutrition. My Word will build a strong foundation on which all else will stand.

Hunger is good when it leads you to the table to be fed. Com and learn of My Word. Seek more! Don’t be content with a snack when I have prepared a feast. My provision for you is waiting. Come to my table. I will sup with you.

The Book of Revelation is to Be Lived 5-5-19 Pastor Gray

If you will read the Book of Revelation, the devil will never be able to catch you by surprise; you will always be looking for the coming of the Lord; and the Lord will reveal things to you through the Book of Revelation as time passes.

Cast Your Sin Away

A Word from the Lord given at Hosanna Fellowship on April 28, 2019.

The Lord says He loves you and wants to set you free from the sin that He has spoken to you about several times in the past. Today is the day to cast it away and turn to Him with sorrow.

I am a forgiving God and I desire to draw you near to Me. I desire you to be spotless and without blemish and be ready.

Come while there is still time. I’ve called your name, now come unto Me with your burden of sin and I shall wash it away, never to remember it again.

What Is on Your Banner?

military unit on an early morning run and flying their banner
Image by skeeze from Pixabay

Banners will reveal what is important to you. They will speak out loud and show what you’re passionate about. A banner will demand a response from you. Do you agree with its message?

Words printed on a tee-shirt may say what team you favor. A sign held up by a homeless person may reveal his need and plea for your help. A billboard hopes to plant an idea in you.

There are many messages that are competing for your attention. It is your choice what you focus on. What you agree with.

Let My Word write on the banner of your heart. May My love be etched in your mind, your life, that all others know who you belong to. When My children agree with Me, a banner is flying high for all to see.

Your faith is your banner. It’s a sign for all to see and follow.

Wave it high.

Understanding Who We Are in Christ 4-28-19 Pastor Gray

The United States is losing her identity. We are no longer the Christian nation we once were. But Jesus Christ is coming, whether you believe it or you don’t.

When Antichrist comes and demands people take his mark, we will sell out to him if we do not understand the authority and power of God, and if we do not understand who we are in Christ.

Are You My Child?

A lone hiker on a mountaintop plain.

Do you not know how I want to care for you? But so many times I must watch as My children struggle to walk alone.

When you surrender to My will when you repent and receive My free gift of salvation, then I will direct your steps. You have only to ask and believe.

Many are deceived and don’t understand My love. My heart’s desire is to have a relationship with My children. The time is approaching soon when My church, those who know Me as Lord and Savior, will come home.

Don’t let pride or stubbornness keep you away. Come just as you are today, not next week. This is the day of salvation. Can you trust Me? I will do all I’ve promised. My Kingdom is forever and it is for you.

What Does the Resurrection Mean for Me Today? 4-21-19

Larry Gray Jr. expounds on Mark 16:5 and what Christ’s resurrection does for us.

We are to walk in the newness of life.

To Everything There Is a Season

red and yellow tulips about to bloom

We are so ready for the sun, flowers, birds and warmth! We do need the moisture of the snow and ice for the soil to give forth in due season.

“Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rains” (James 5:7 NKJV).