Fear and Faith Cannot Co-Exist 2-3-19 Pastor Gray

Job prayed from a perspective of fear, “the thing I greatly feared has come upon me.” (Job 3:25) That was not a prayer of victory or praise.

Satan attacks us in 3 areas: our wealth, our children, our body. Listen in as Pastor Gray examines how Job prayed out of fear, and that we need to pray from faith.

If He Is a God, Let Him Contend for Himself

Pastor Gray expounds on letting the Egyptian gods contend for themselves. Of course they couldn’t; they didn’t exist. So the Egyptians had to call on Jehovah.

From Judges 6:12, Pastor looks at Gideon and his army of 300 against the Midianites. There is no god that can contend with Jehovah. Jesus destroyed Hell itself, and there is no god that can contend with Jesus!

Where is God leading us? He says, “I have a plan. Now trust Me.”

Give God the Present of Yourself 1-20-19 Pastor Bill Grace

Pastor Bill Grace shares God’s desire to connect with His children.

Are we spending time with God? Are you seeking Him and to hear from Him? He will speak to us! Let’s go forward with God.

Reach for a Higher Realm 1-16-19 Pastor Gray

As it says in 2 Corinthians 5:7, we walk by faith not by sight. Pastor encourages us to reach for a higher realm as we use the faith we already have. As we use our faith, our faith will grow.

We are flawed people, but God uses flawed people. To walk in complete liberty use Jesus’ name for everything you do, and walk in Jesus’ delegated authority and power.

Run to the Battle 1-6-19 Pastor Gray

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12 NKJV).

We do not war according to the flesh, and we do not war against flesh and blood. Our weapons are supernatural, and so is our enemy. If we want to see the world changed for the Lord Jesus Christ, we need to get violent. Violent against the enemy, the devil.

Abiding in God’s Love 12-30-18 Pastor Gray

The proclamation for 2019: The year God will speak and we will know His voice.

God is giving us time right now to judge ourselves. And He gives us the barometer in 1 John 3:14 of how you are and how you feel inside: have you passed from death unto life with eternal life abiding in you?

Conquering Fear 12-23-18 Mark Linder

Guest speaker Mark Linder uses 2 Timothy 1:7 to expound on confronting and dealing with fear and rising up as Christians. Once you understand your identity in Jesus, you can quit pretending to be somebody else.

When we believe the lie, we empower the liar. When we believe the Truth, we empower the Living God to flow through us with His Holy Spirit and start delivering the oppressed and the captives. Fear is not from God. Jesus came to deliver you from that spirit of fear.

The Gospel First Proclaimed 12-16-18

God placed enmity between Satan’s seed and Eve’s seed, but just what is Satan’s seed?

Jesus crushed the head of Satan at Calvary; He destroyed hell and the grave and removed the sting of death. He took the keys to the kingdom of heaven and gave them to the Church. In so doing this, He crushed the head of Satan. This was accomplished in Genesis 3:15.

The Work and Power of the Holy Spirit 5-6-18 Pastor Grace

Pastor Bill Grace talks about the ministry of the Holy Spirit and allowing God to move as He chooses in our lives and in our churches.

Is Jesus’ Light Shining Through You? 12-9-18 Pastor Gray

Jesus became man and came to Earth. He operated by the Holy Spirit the same way we do. Everything we walk through, Jesus has already walked there.

There is victory in the Father, the Holy Spirit, and in Himself. Deity came down to us!