Believe the Report of the Lord

water baptism in the river

“Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” Isaiah 53:1 NKJV

We believe the report of the Lord.

Plunge in today and be made complete. Jesus has the face of us.

We act like Him. We are the only Jesus that some people will ever see. ~ Pastor Bill Grace, Sunday, May 26, 2019

Realize This! 6-2-19 Pastor Gray

That in the last days…

Pastor Gray preaches about the last days.

Keeping Score?

Image by F. Muhammad from Pixabay

You’re not to keep score! So many of My children feel like they have let Me down–not done anything to please Me. The only way to let Me down is to not finish the race.

Keep walking the path before you–and it will lead you exactly where I want you to be.

Don’t rely on feel good score cards. Just because something feels good, doesn’t necessarily mean it is good or that it is My plan for you.

My Peace is always what should lead you. Don’t go there if you don’t sense My Peace in your heart.

Don’t keep score–for that usually means that you’re looking at your past. Today is where you live.

Rejoice that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. That is the only score card you’ll ever need!

You are Mine–always.

No Greater Love 5-26-19 Pastor Grace

God uses the foolish to confound the wise.

The world cannot understand Christ’s sacrifice. But there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for another.

Blessed Are They

“Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.” Psalm 119:2 KJV

We all want to be blessed beyond measure. This verse clearly states the way we may be assured of our blessings.

His testimonies are in His Word, and He expects His children to follow His rules, just as we expect our children to know and obey our regulations at all times.

He wants us to love Him with our entire heart.

Peace to Those Who Trust in the Lord

Pastor Gray expounds on Psalm 37.

Trust in the Lord, wait patiently for Him, cease from anger, rest in Him.

It’s Beginning to Rain

Image by Thaliesin from Pixabay

It’s beginning to rain–spiritually. This rain will bring nourishment, revelation, and life-giving encouragement. You need all of these to live successfully in this time.

But your greatest need is to be so filled with My Word that when you exhale, My Word is heard.

The time for signs, wonders, and miracles is approaching. It is spread out all over the world now, but soon you will hear of outpourings. Do not run to them. I will bring them to you.

When you see the clouds, you know the rain is coming. You are My prepared soil and much will spring forth. Be encouraged. The drought is over and the rain begins.

Stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord. Do you hear what the Spirit is saying? Open My Word and you will hear.

Jesus’ Last Words 5-12-19 Pastor Gray

Bringing to completion the old covenant, and bringing in a new covenant.

Jesus was bringing the old covenant to completion and beginning a new one. But before He could finish the work, he had to take care of his mother.

A Word from the Lord given May 5, 2019

Sunday, April 28, 2019, was a new move of God that will continue to grow. We need to start stepping out in faith, believe and trust God to perform His Word in our circumstances. If we need healing in our body, relationships, finances, all things are possible to those who believe.

God has great things He wants to do in and for His body. He is looking for His people to take a stand and just believe His Word. Know that His Word is true for all to stand on.

His Spirit is sweeping His body to ready them. Now we have to do our part if we want to be a part of His glory revealed.

There is a resurrection of gifts promised that many have laid down as though they were dead. But God says no, they will live and accomplish My purpose. As I rose from death to life, so will the gifts I have placed in you.

Hear what I have spoken.

Are You Hungry?

table full of food
Image by jinsoo jang from Pixabay

Those who are will be fed. Hunger will lead you to seek more. Contentment can make you lazy. You must decide whether to come to My table.

I have prepared a feast before you, but those who refuse to come will not be satisfied. I come to bring life abundantly–not just getting by. Come and sit in My Presence. Eat of My Food. It will bring satisfaction and yet a hunger for more.

Feed on My Word and you will never know malnutrition. My Word will build a strong foundation on which all else will stand.

Hunger is good when it leads you to the table to be fed. Com and learn of My Word. Seek more! Don’t be content with a snack when I have prepared a feast. My provision for you is waiting. Come to my table. I will sup with you.