June 30, 2019 Prophetic Message

Trust Me, even when you can't see the whole picture.

“I love you.

“Why do you reason with what I have told you I’m going to do? I have told you what I’m going to do for you. Now believe me. I am well able to accomplish My Word.

“Trust and believe; cast it on Me. I don’t want you carrying it. I came to carry it. Trust me.

“I love you. I will fulfill My Word that I have spoken to you.”

Parable of the Fig Tree

Image by Vane Monte from Pixabay

In Matthew 24:32-36, Jesus tells us to learn from the fig tree. The tree represents Christ. When people come to you, are you empty? You have no fruit to share. You are not prepared to give of the wisdom of the Kingdom of God.

We need to be prepared when we meet needy people. They could be those at your work, on the street, at the store, or anyone in your family. Please be filled up and ready to give, not empty with no Word from the Lord.

We are that fig tree, as the Kingdom of God is within us. Recognize that He is near, for we do not know the day or the hour He will be returning. ~Pastor Larry Gray, June 2, 2019

God Is Greater Than Our Heart 6-9-19 Pastor Gray

Christ loved us, died for us, laid down His life for us and we didn’t deserve it.

God wants you to understand Jesus as the bridegroom. Jesus laid down his life for us that we might have life and it might be a life that brings glory to His father.

Believe the Report of the Lord

water baptism in the river

“Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” Isaiah 53:1 NKJV

We believe the report of the Lord.

Plunge in today and be made complete. Jesus has the face of us.

We act like Him. We are the only Jesus that some people will ever see. ~ Pastor Bill Grace, Sunday, May 26, 2019

Realize This! 6-2-19 Pastor Gray

That in the last days…

Pastor Gray preaches about the last days.

Keeping Score?

Image by F. Muhammad from Pixabay

You’re not to keep score! So many of My children feel like they have let Me down–not done anything to please Me. The only way to let Me down is to not finish the race.

Keep walking the path before you–and it will lead you exactly where I want you to be.

Don’t rely on feel good score cards. Just because something feels good, doesn’t necessarily mean it is good or that it is My plan for you.

My Peace is always what should lead you. Don’t go there if you don’t sense My Peace in your heart.

Don’t keep score–for that usually means that you’re looking at your past. Today is where you live.

Rejoice that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. That is the only score card you’ll ever need!

You are Mine–always.

No Greater Love 5-26-19 Pastor Grace

God uses the foolish to confound the wise.

The world cannot understand Christ’s sacrifice. But there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for another.

Blessed Are They

“Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.” Psalm 119:2 KJV

We all want to be blessed beyond measure. This verse clearly states the way we may be assured of our blessings.

His testimonies are in His Word, and He expects His children to follow His rules, just as we expect our children to know and obey our regulations at all times.

He wants us to love Him with our entire heart.

Peace to Those Who Trust in the Lord

Pastor Gray expounds on Psalm 37.

Trust in the Lord, wait patiently for Him, cease from anger, rest in Him.

It’s Beginning to Rain

Image by Thaliesin from Pixabay

It’s beginning to rain–spiritually. This rain will bring nourishment, revelation, and life-giving encouragement. You need all of these to live successfully in this time.

But your greatest need is to be so filled with My Word that when you exhale, My Word is heard.

The time for signs, wonders, and miracles is approaching. It is spread out all over the world now, but soon you will hear of outpourings. Do not run to them. I will bring them to you.

When you see the clouds, you know the rain is coming. You are My prepared soil and much will spring forth. Be encouraged. The drought is over and the rain begins.

Stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord. Do you hear what the Spirit is saying? Open My Word and you will hear.