The Potter

man planting seedsThe Potter is one who chooses the clay (dirt). The one to decide what pot to use, whether it’s large or small, decorated or plain. One who presses in dirt the seed of his choice.

The Potter is obligated to tend to the plant. It is his delight to see growth. The seed (My children, My church) will grow into a healthy and strong plant. Whether it’s for shade or to grow food to nourish others is the potter’s choice.

But more than a plant whose span of life is but for a season, My children will live with Me forever. The plans I have for you are more glorious than even your imagination. As sunshine and rain are cycles necessary to grow any plant, let My children have hope and strength for all their days ahead.

Know that as with every devoted gardener, I will never leave you. I will feed, tend, and protect for you are more precious than you can know. Trust Me and the storms of life will only make you stronger.

I love you.