Singspiration Concert with Soul Harvest

Soul Harvest QuartetCome join the Soul Harvest Quartet and the Gray Family singers this Friday, Aug. 24, at 7, for an evening of toe-tapping music that’s sure to be fun and uplifting.

The Soul Harvest Quartet evolved from a group Tom Heath started in 1997 called the Right Direction. Today the group includes [Read more…]

The Greatest Miracle, 8-12-18 Pastor Larry Gray

Pastor Gray expounds on Acts 16:16-19 concerning the slave girl that grieved the apostle Paul and being grieved for the lost. Discover what the greatest miracle is and the power and authority we have to command actions in the spiritual realm.

We Are Salt & Light to the World – 7-22-18

Pastor Larry Gray expounds on Matthew 5:13-14, we are the salt and light of the world. Our job as born-again Christians is to teach others how to become a citizen in God’s Kingdom.

God wants us to learn how to live in His Kingdom.

God Is Unchangeable – Pastor Larry Gray 7-8-18

We are deceived when we allow sin to come before us, when we allow that sin to shape us once it’s been forgiven.

Don’t hold onto sin. God washes away our sin when we confess it. Learn more as you listen to Pastor Larry Gray’s message “God Is Unchangeable.”

The Kingdom Principle of Sowing and Reaping – 7-1-18

Pastor Gray teaches on the principle of sowing. God provides the seed; He wants us to plant it for a return. It will have an impact on everything you do.