Humanism Sprouted in the Garden of Eden 2-2-2020

Humanism is a religion and it began in the Garden of the Eden.

Adam and Eve deliberately chose to sin against God, to deliberately turn away from God and away from absolute truth. The devil seduces them into thinking they’ll be like God, they are going to be gods. That’s called humanism.

Listen and learn more on how where the devil is aiming his attack on Kingdom of God.

Are You Ignoring the Truth That Jesus Is Coming Back?

We don’t know the hour of Jesus’ return. Are you prepared or ignoring the signs?

Jesus is coming. We’ve heard that before, but that doesn’t change the truth. He is coming back. Are you prepared?

What True Worship Is 1-12-2020

What we think is worship is really only praise. Pastor expounds on what worship is and means.

In Hebrew the meaning of worship is “to prostrate oneself.” Worship sometimes has to be deliberate. We can’t always wait for the Holy Spirit to overwhelm us.

We Are the Sanctuary 12-29-19

Pastor Gray shares a vision he had of Hosanna, and discusses revival.

Pastor looks at Isaiah 8:11-17, the manifestation of God’s power, and that we are the sanctuary of God.

The True Message of Christmas 12-22-19

Starting with Luke 1:35, Pastor Gray brings forth the true message of Christmas that goes beyond Jesus’ birth.

Jesus came into this world as fully man and fully God. As a man, He took our place on the cross. Because Jesus died on the cross, all mankind has the right to come to Him and receive Him as their personal Savior.

Demonstration of the Spirit 12-15-19

Grow, mature, and take your place in the Kingdom.

The writer of Hebrews says that as you walk in the Lord, you need to mature so you know who you are in Jesus. As believers we have the ability to cast out demons, speak with new tongues, heal the sick, and more. These things demonstrate the power of God.

By the Word of Our Testimony

Various members of Hosanna Fellowship’s congregation give testimonies on how God has worked in their lives.

Submit to the Lord in All Things 12-1-19

Christ is the head of the Church. Pastor examines Ephesians 1:22-23.

The apostle Paul is saying that the same structure you have in the home is the same relationship that God has with you. The same relationship you have with God is the same relationship you need with your spouse.

In Jesus’ Name 11-24-19

There is power in the name of Jesus.

Jesus’ name reminds us of His shed blood. His name continually reminds us that God has authority over death. Jesus’ name reminds us of His second coming, and that He’s give us the power to raise the dead, heal the sick, cleanse the leper.

Pastor examines Acts 2:38 and the Name that brings us salvation plus so much more.

Will there be revival in the last days? 11-17-19

Are we eligible for revival? Because there is a cost, a price, and sacrifice for revival.

Before revival comes there has to be true repentance and a renewal of your mind. Make straight and ready for the coming of the Lord.