Why, God?

Pastor examines a question often asked: Why, God?

When we ask the question “Why, God, did you allow this?” we show our lack of faith in Him. When you give your heart to the Lord, He gives you eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. He has a destiny for you.

We shouldn’t ask “why, God?” but say, “I trust You, God.”

The Light of the World

As we enter the Christmas season, Pastor Gray ponders the Light of the world.

Jesus did not come into the world as the Israelites expected or wanted him to. Instead he came as a baby, yet Isaiah 9:6 tells us Jesus shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

And He came to do that for all mankind.

The Apostolic Age

Pastor Gray takes a cue from Revelation 2:1-5 to encourage us to repent and return to our first love and first works–that of the apostolic age.

What is the apostolic age? God is able to heal; He is able to deliver; He is able to save. And when we go back to that, we’ll see a move of God like never before.

Watch and Be Sober

Pastor Gray exhorts us to “not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober,” for Jesus’ return comes like a thief in the night.

For the believer, it is not a time to go to sleep. It is a time continue in vigilant prayer, to build up our faith in God, and time to get out more of the Word of the Lord than ever before.

We are to be watchmen who make mention of the Lord day and night.

Vote for Righteousness

Pastor Gray draws a comparison between the unrighteous Israel of King Jehu’s day and the US of today.

The upcoming election is not about Democrats or Republicans. It’s about good and evil. Not voting is being in agreement with evil. Though evil seems to dominate everything today, God will have the last say.

Vote for righteousness.

The Demands of Evil

Pastor Gray preaches on Daniel 3 and the 3 Hebrew boys King Nebuchadnezzar had thrown into the fire.

The king insisted all bow down and worship the golden image he had built, and those who didn’t would be put to death. In the End Times, the Antichrist will insist on the same thing.

Will you refuse like the Hebrew boys or submit to the demands of evil?

By Their Fruit

A tree is identified by the fruit it bears. So are we. Pastor Gray expounds on Matt. 7:15-23, “by their fruit you shall know them” (vs. 20).

When Jesus went to the fig tree for a fig, he discovered no figs. That fig tree represents both the church and individual believers.

Will the world find good, evil, or no fruit at all from us when it seeks to know the Lord?

Eternal Destiny

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul” (Mark 8:36 KJV).

Pastor Gray asks us, have we given up our lives for the sake of Jesus or are we holding onto the pleasures of this world?

Where will your eternal destiny be? Will you meet Jesus as Judge or as Savior?

Arise and Shine

Pastor Gray preaches on Isaiah 59:19, “when the enemy comes in like a flood.”

On Oct. 7, 2024, it will be one year since Hamas attacked Israel. The code name for that insurrection was The Flood. Israel’s ultimate enemy, Satan, like Hamas, wants to destroy them. In doing that, Satan must also destroy the true church because it is the only ally Israel has.

What tactics does Satan use to do this? And what is our role in the battle?

Listen in to discover the answers.

The Power of the Baptism

Pastor speaks about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the benefits of that baptism, and the instructions Jesus gave the disciples before He ascended to heaven.

Listen in and discover the power God has for today’s church.