Why Look for the Living Among the Dead

Pastor Larry Gray gives his Easter sermon.

Pastor Gray opens Easter morning by asking two questions: Who rolled the stone away? and Why look ye for the living among the dead?

God’s Work in Kenya

Missionary Mike Heist and his wife share the work of the Lord in Kenya.

The Restrainer 3-7-21

Who is the restrainer and what is being restrained? Pastor Gray preaches on 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.

The apostacy of the Church must first occur before the Rapture comes and the “man of sin” can be revealed. We who are the Church currently restrain the devil, but when the Church stops preaching the Truth, what happens next?

The Other Prodigal Son 2-28-21

Pastor Gray examines the prodigal attitude of the brother who stayed with the father and how it applies to us today.

It is a word for the individual, the Church, and for Israel. Listen in and dive deeper into the story of the prodigal son.

The Gifts and Calling of God Are Irrevocable

Pastor examines the gifts of God outlined in 1 Corinthians 12.

The gifts are given to each one and those gifts are subject to our will. Though these gifts are given to each one, they are for the profit of all. Discover what those gifts are and the gifts God has given to you.

Finally …

Pastor preaches about putting on the armor of God and coming against the enemy like never before.

Pastor Gray examines Ephesians 6:10 and the word finally from a new perspective of our armor of God.

The Rapture of the Church 1-31-21

The Rapture is closer to us than we think. Pastor expounds on 1 Thessalonians 4:13, which makes the Rapture clear.

Realize that the second coming of the Lord and the Rapture are two separate events. Listen in to learn more.

Be on Guard and Grow in Grace 1-24-21

Expounding on 2 Peter 3:17-18, Pastor encourages us to be on guard, grow in grace, and grow in knowledge.

Satan wants us to be a Christian of no effect, so be on guard and keep the Word. But we also need to continue growing in grace, and we can’t do that if we aren’t keeping the Word. Listen in for more.

God Is Not Mocked 1-17-21

God is about do something that is old but is new to us. As in the days of Noah, that’s how it will be when Jesus returns. People were simply living, but living without God.

God wants us to hear what He is saying to the Church through Revelation so He can usher in an awakening in our life greater than ever known. Are you hungry and ready for God to pour out His spirit?

Audio quality is poor.

Don’t Lose Your Vision 1-10-21

The vision is winning souls to Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. Everything in this world wants to take our vision away from what God has purposed in our lives.

When that vision is taken away, people throw off restraints. Listen in and learn all that God has done for us and how that connects with our vision.