Your Prayer War Room

Pastor Gray uses Matthew 6:6 to teach on prayer.

In Old Testament times, the people went to the temple to pray. But that temple now resides within every person who believes in Jesus. Our prayer closet is not a physical room, though it can be, but that inner room of prayer—our war room—is within us.

Listen in to learn more and discover the power of prayer.

Power for Salvation

Pastor Gray continues from last week with Romans 1:16.

The gospel is the power of God for salvation.

The gospel is 4 things: death, burial, resurrection, and Jesus Christ. We are raised with Him and seated with Him in the heavens.

Don’t be ashamed of who you are in Christ.

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Powerful ministry took place at Hosanna Fellowship today. Pastor speaks briefly on Romans 1:16, not ashamed of the gospel.

Kingdom Authority

Pastor Gray exhorts us from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church. Pastor examines kingdom authority and the power and energy given to us through the Holy Spirit.

It all starts with knowing Jesus Christ and Him crucified.


Pastor Gray preaches on Jesus’ second coming.

The world won’t see the rapture when it happens; however, it will see the effects. But Jesus’s second coming will be public. Every eye will see Him. He will not be coming back as Savior but as Judge.

Are you ready? Are you watching?

Blessed Is He Who

Pastor encourages us to accomplish things for the kingdom of God.

The Bible doesn’t tell us to understand the book of Revelation. It tells us to read it. Blessed is he who reads, hears, and heeds the words therein.

The time is short to do what the Lord has given us to do.

Don’t Go to Sleep

Pastor Gray declares that now is not the time for the church to go to sleep.

Jesus gave the disciples a clear mandate: Go and make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all things that Jesus had commanded them. Instead of going to sleep, what would happen if we each decided we’d bring 3 people into the kingdom of God?

Make Disciples

Pastor Gray preaches from Matthew 28:19 and 20 about making disciples of all men.

Jesus tells us to go into all the nations, preach the gospel, and make disciples. Pastor Gray gives us the steps to do it.

From the Manger to the Cross

Pastor Gray delivers a Christmas message.

Everything about Jesus’ birth, from the gifts the magi brought to the shepherds, represents His mission from the manger to the cross as the sacrificial lamb for all mankind.

Contend for the Faith

Preaching from the book of Jude, Pastor Gray encourages us to contend for the faith.

We must earnestly fight for the church and be aware of four spirits that seek to deceive us: the false prophet, the false teacher, the spirit of Balaam, and one who is worldly. But build yourselves up in your most holy faith so you can build up those around you.