God Wants Us to Multiply

Pastor John, from India, expounds on the principle of multiplication in God’s kingdom, using Acts 6:7 and 2 Cor. 8:1-2. The blessings of multiplication happen because of prayer, the spirit of giving, being bold, and being filled with the spirit.

Be Filled with the Spirit 7-29-18 evening Pastor John

Visiting Pastor John from India looks at Isaiah 11:2 and the wisdom, understanding, counsel, and strength that comes to us when we are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. He exhorts us to daily ask the Lord to fill us with His Holy Spirit.

Do Not Sell Your Inheritance 7-29-18 Pastor John

Visiting Pastor John from Vijayawada, India preaches on 1 Kings 21:1-3. King Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard, but Naboth refused to sell this land as it was the inheritance of his ancestors.