
open handLord, please bring out to the open what is hidden in secret.

Reveal that we all sin and so need a Savior.

Cover us with Your grace when our human frailty falls so short of all You’ve planned for us.

Let truth abound in this nation, in our cities, and in our homes.

May families give up their busyness and focus on loving those near to them.

Holy Spirit bring to our minds all we need to repent of, every detail. Nothing will hinder us from running into our Father’s arms. That the greatest of all loves might be embraced.

The Keys of Heaven and Dominion Rule 6-17-18

Heaven controls everything, and Christ has given believers the keys to heaven: to bind and to loose.

By our faith our words establish heaven here on earth. He’s given us the keys to heaven that the gospel might be preached and people will be saved.

From Your Father

woman worshiping, sunset in the backgroundWorship begins with a heart of gratitude. When you are grateful, it’s easy to worship. When you step into worship, your heart is focused on another and not self. Worship puts everything in the right perspective.

I first loved you, and when you love Me, you’ll trust Me on every detail of your life.

Worship is the beginning of prayer. You’re acknowledging that I am your Father, and you know I will never leave you.

I have an awesome plan for each one of you. Don’t let fear or unforgiveness keep you from entering into worship. It’s a place that is holy. My presence will fill the heart of those who surrender all and worship Me.

Come and see.

God’s Permissive Will and God’s Perfect Will 11-25-2018

In showing God’s permissive will and His perfect will for our lives, Pastor Gray discusses how God used the Ephesians’ urging not to go as Paul sets his face toward Rome. God had given Paul a word: he would speak before kings (Acts 9:15). Both these messages were from the Lord, but one represented God’s perfect will, the other His permissive will.

God can use conflicting messages to show us His permissive will and His perfect will.

Are There Giants in the Land?

rainbow across a rock cliffDon’t be fearful or afraid to occupy the promises the Lord has given you.

Don’t just settle for less when you know the Father has more for you.

Self-doubt holds back more believers than any other enemy. Know this: When you know something is from Me and you’re obedient to step out in it, I will keep your back and bless you for overcoming that fear.

I say choose blessings or curses. They don’t choose—you do! Focus on My love and provision, and you will soon be on that mountain.

But know this, he whom I can trust in small matters, will be leaders of much larger ones. In times such as this, leaders must press on for the goal and not give up, ever.

Are you ready to go to higher ground?

The Kabowd Glory of God 11-18-18 Pastor Gray

Pastor discusses the kabowd glory of God–the weightiness–and how it differs from the shekinah glory–the majesty–of God.

God comes to us suddenly. As the disciples waited in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, the waited in expectation. When the Holy Spirit came, they experienced the weightiness of God.

Do we come to church every Sunday with the expectation of God making Himself known to us?

(Audio volume is poor. You will have to turn up your speakers or plug in headphones.)

Fear Not

shepherd and his sheepIf you could only see all that I have done to protect you, you would never be afraid.

I have positioned angels and assigned them to watch over and keep you safe. If you could only know the times I have rescued you from any danger and you were not even aware.

Trust Me on every detail of your life for I love you, and I have plans and wonders you cannot imagine.

Be faithful and don’t follow your feelings, but trust your heart, for it’s in your heart that My peace dwells. Don’t let any worry or concern weight you down. Through prayer seek My face.

All things are possible if you believe. If you could only trust and know of My great power. When you pray and believe, fear not, only believe.

Using Our Gifts 11-11-18 Pastor Gray

Pastor Gray begins his sermon by discussing the gift of music he has and involves others of the congregation as well. He expounds on the importance of activating our faith by using the gifts God has given us for His kingdom.

We will all account for whether used our gifts or not when w appear before the judgment seat, 2 Corinthians 5:10.

Are You Being About Your Father’s Business?

dirt path bordered by tall bare treesTo do this you must know My heart’s desire.

It’s not building churches bigger or increasing the size of a parking lot. But it’s changing lives one life at a time. Not by instruction or classes, but by walking in love and obedience. It’s loving your brother and reaching out to him.

It begins by repentance in your own life. You must forgive every person no matter what offense. As you do this faithfully, you become My vessel to be filled with My presence and power. Power to love and heal.

Be encouraged this day. Be determined to walk in My love and forgiveness. Don’t focus on circumstances, but keep your eyes on My promises. Believe the Bible. Do what it says. It is still truth and life abundant. Have faith, always be forgiving and remember, I am coming soon.

Will I find you ready?

Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of Our Faith

Fix your eyes on Jesus. God’s at work; He hasn’t forgotten you or your circumstance. He will work His good and perfect will accordingly.

PRC Director Libby Owens discusses how God is at work in lives and reaching out to women through the pregnancy resource center of St. Joseph, MO.