Jesus spoke more about hell than he spoke about heaven. There are over 162 references in the New Testament that warn us about hell.
Hell is as real as heaven. Those who believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God will to to heaven. Those who reject Jesus will go to hell.
Hell Is an Unquenchable Fire 5-17-20 Pastor Gray
There Was a Man 5-10-20 Pastor Grace
Pastor Bill Grace examines Luke 16:19-31, the rich man and the beggar man, as well as John 3.
We must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God, and we each have an individual responsibility to come face to face with Jesus.
The Word was made flesh. 4-26-20
Pastor Gray preaches from the parking lot as we continue in the quarantine. God placed his word above his name.
Pastor examines John 1:1-4 and 14. We know through Scripture there is no other name higher than the name of Jesus. Jesus is not only the Word, but He is also the Creator of all things. God’s Word brings us life.
Believe, Know, and Have Faith 4-19-2020
It was an issue 2000 years ago and is still an issue today.
Is Jesus the Son of God? Pastor expounds on 1 John 5:1-15, to believe, know, and have faith that Jesus is the Son of God.
Jesus Receives Us Joyfully 4-5-2020
Pastor Bill Grace examines the work of Jesus and the happenings of His last week.
He examines Mary’s act of anointing Jesus feet and how the scent of oil filled the house, then goes on to discuss how we can do the same for Jesus.
Be Ready, Willing, and Able 3-29-2020
Using Numbers 22, the story of Balaam and his donkey, Pastor Larry Gray Jr speaks on being ready, willing, and able.
If God can speak through a donkey, he can speak through a heckler. Pastor Gray relates a lesson he learned through someone who heckled him during church.
Do Not Run in Fear But Walk in Faith 3-22-2020 Pastor Gray
As the world faces down the coronavirus, God’s love will turn this around.
Man should always go to the answer, and the answer is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Have faith in God and trust the Lord.
Winning Isn’t Natural 3-15-2020 Pastor Bill Grace
Winning isn’t natural; however, as believers, we are new creations. And as new creations in Christ Jesus winning is natural.
God created us to win, but when sin entered the world, it became unnatural. When we got saved, we took on the nature of Jesus Christ, who is above all and rules all. Winning is now a part of our nature.
If You Talk About Winning Then Understand Losing
Do not let losing define you. In our losing, we have to be able to learn.
Pastor Larry Gray, Jr. outlines three things we are tempted to do when we lose and how to combat them.
Winning Is Fun and God Has the Game Plan 3-1-2020
Pastor Larry Gray, Jr. teaches that the things of Philippians 4:8 are the things we are to ponder on.
We limit ourselves because we believe we don’t deserve God’s best, but as believers, we deserve God’s best.