Faith–Walk Ye in It.

silhouette of people arms outstretched holding hands sunrise in backgroundI’ve given you My Word that you would know My voice, know My direction for your life. I know the plans I have for you, and I have promised to never leave you.

My Word never changes. It does not say one thing one day and something different the next day.

I say if you give, I will bless you. I say if you obey My Word, I will direct your every step. I say to not forsake or neglect the assembly of the saints to come to church.

My Word is My direction for you, written in Love. Your obedience is your gift to Me. It’s always your choice. Enter My gates with thanksgiving in your heart, come with an attitude of praise. I will lift you above all that the world would try to burden your with.

I love you and the best is yet to be.