Thy Rod and Staff

Pastor Bill Grace discusses Christ’s authority.

Long before David wrote Psalm 23, God used the shepherd’s rod to display His authority. Jesus is the rod and staff, and He has given us His authority. He said we shall do the works He did and even greater works.

Go and do!

Our Power and Authority

Pastor Gray begins a series on Ephesians 1.

This week Pastor examines the power and authority we gain in our position in Christ. Discover all Christ has done through His death on the cross.

The Authority and Authenticity of the Word of God

Pastors Jeff and Charla Pickrel share about the importance of the authority and authenticity of the Word of God.

Do you understand the authority and authenticity of the Bible? Are you authentic in your walk with God?

Listen in for more.

The Authority of Jesus 7-26-2020

Pastor examines Matthew 28:18 and discusses Jesus’ authority and ours as we are in Him.