Sonshine on a Rainy Day: Rediscovering Hope – Pastor Doc Shell

Wednesday night revival services at Hosanna Fellowship.

Pastor Doc Shell talks about rediscovering hope on any given day and unpacks “this is the day the LORD has made” from Psalm 118. What “this day” refers to and applying it to our lives today.

The Power of Forgiveness – Pastor Doc Shell

Tuesday night revival services with Pastor Doc Shell. Ephesians 1:7 tells us we have redemption in Christ and forgiveness of sins. Pastor Shell examines what forgiveness is and isn’t, how unforgiveness affects us, and the power of forgiveness.

The Kingdom of the Lamb – Pastor Doc Shell

Monday night revival services with Pastor Doc Shell. Pastor Shell examines the Kingdom of the Lamb as presented in Revelation 5 and what that means for us.

Discerning the Times in which We Live – Pastor Doc Shell

Revival services at Hosanna Fellowship, June 24 evening service. Pastor Doc Shell discusses the times in which we live.

How Is Your Relationship with the King?

Cherish them, repair them if necessary, but never let hardness of heart or being unable to forgive destroy relationships. Be quick to forgive and forget. And kindness and love will make for great results—always.

My relationship with you is My top priority, My heart’s desire. May this relationship grow stronger and more precious every day.

Live a live of great relationships and expect it as well.

Revival Service with Pastor Doc Shell – The Wedding Feast

Listen in as Pastor Doc Shell expounds on the parable of the wedding feast from Matthew 22:1-14.

Let My Peace Abide in You

Pain can bring destruction or revelation depending on how it affects your heart.

Pain can be a motivator or a destroyer of hope.

Pain can be used for good or defeat you into numbness.

Choice is always yours for even with pain, it must be surrendered. I didn’t create you to carry it. But it’s impossible to live in a world where there is no pain.

Pain can be a great teacher or convince you of what is valuable. Pain can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. But I come to heal ALL. And where that is not obvious, My grace will be sufficient.

Can you trust Me? Can you surrender all?

Pain cannot stay where My peace abides—in you.

Is God Doing Supernatural Things in Your Life?

God has empowered us with Holy Spirit and the authority of Jesus. Supernatural things can happen in our lives daily.

Don’t Give Up

Rainbow over mountainsMany are healed or delivered in an instant, but most are peeled one layer at a time.

It is a complete work—a finished work.

When healing begins in the Spirit and by the Spirit, the enemy’s plan is stopped. Not just put on hold, but completely over.

Don’t pay any attention to what you see in the flesh. I never begin a healing without completing it. Only believe and speak faith, always.

Live Lives of Victory

sunrise over the cloudsMy children should be living such lives of victory that all who see are amazed.

The world is full of fear, but peace should be obvious in My children’s homes. Joy should be there.

Pride will steal from My plan for your life. Selfishness will never bring satisfaction.

Speak the language of faith and your world will align up to it. Give, and watch how you’ll receive. It really is about giving, not holding onto.

Trust Me on every detail, and peace will abide wherever you are and whatever circumstance there is. Light should be evident; don’t live in the darkness.

Choose who you will serve. Let hope live in your heart and faith speak through you. Speak faith. Live in faith. It is My gift to you.