God Is Not Done with Me

Pastor Gray states that the worst thing we can do is to stand before the Truth and reject it.

He examines John 8:32, Acts 1:11, and John 14:6, and discusses the truth of Jesus and what He did for us., Jesus expects us to be filled with His Holy Spirit and to take over where Jesus left off, doing greater things than He did.


Consistency is better than rare moments of greatness.There is great advantage in doing things on a daily basis.

You don’t brush your teeth just once a week. You eat every day—several times.

If you will establish a habit of reading My Word every day, it will begin to change your life—one day at a time.

When you change your thoughts you change your life.

When you understand that healing is yours, you will walk in good health. When the truth of forgiveness gets deep within, you will know it is a hindrance to all your life to remain unforgiving. When you surrender your will every day, My will and plan for you can be established.

I have good plans for My children, but obedience must be a day-by-day commitment. Being in My House every week shows what is important in your life.

I change not and will do all I promise.

The Finished Work of the Cross 9-23-18 Pastor Gray

In an examination of the death of Jesus from the 4 Gospels, Pastor Gray discusses the finished work of the cross.

When Jesus died on the cross, He opened the door to salvation for all mankind. In his death, He paid the debt of sin.

Pastor examines the wrath of Almighty God and the love of the Father.


rainbow over the prairies“Rest in Me, and don’t lean upon your own understanding,” means surrender, give up your way, and follow Me, and trust that My plan for you is best.

Sometimes things don’t appear to be a blessing in your life – yet I promise to use all things for good (Romans 8:28).

When problems overwhelm you, when there seems to be no way out, trust Me. Spend time in prayer. You are My child and I have a plan for you and provision for you.

Read My Word. Study Psalm 91, and know that I will never leave you alone. Sometimes the solution is simply PEACE. Let go and trust Me. This peace will change everything in your life. It will change your words, your actions, and your heart.

“Peace I give unto you.”  Rest in it. Live with it always. Be anxious for nothing.


cross amidst a prairieHow can you expect to be forgiven yourself, if you won’t forgive?

You must forgive “on purpose.” It is not something that comes automatically or easily. But if you want to live in My favor and with My blessings, you will choose to forgive.

Unforgiveness is as a disease in your soul. It will affect everything within you.

To forgive you must first make a choice. Then you must repent and surrender it to Me. Don’t allow it to remain in you another moment.

Just as worry comes to steal your faith, unforgiveness comes to steal your hope.  Unforgiveness destroys from within. Let it not stay.

Pray for those who offend you. And then live in My peace and learn to forgive quickly and constantly. As I forgive you, may you be obedient to forgive others, then blessings will flow.

Come and see!

God Wants His Kingdom to Come to Earth

It’s possible to have a saved soul, but a lost life. How can that be? Pastor Gray discusses prayer, faith, discipline, and forgiveness.

He expounds on the power of the tongue and how we are to stand against the trials in our lives.

Life and death is in the power of the tongue, and it will destroy you or make you. The tongue allows the abundance of the heart to speak.

Listen in to how prayer, faith, discipline, and forgiveness impact our lives.

Prepare for Your Season

farmer plowing fieldSeasons are to be prepared for, just ask any farmer getting his land ready. There is a time to work and a time to rest.

This is My Church’s time to work, to reach out, to give, to plant in others’ lives. You give out and I’ll pour back in to you. Generous hearts will never be needy.

The farmer’s work tool is his tractor. My children’s tool is to use their Bible. It has all you’ll need.

Don’t get weary. This season will reap a great harvest!

What Does It Mean to Be Ready? 9-2-2018

Guest speaker Lloyd Cole expounds on being ready for Jesus’ return.

To be ready is to be prepared, expectant, aware, excited, watching and anticipating an event.

Are you ready?


child reading the BibleEveryone will be influenced by someone or something.

I gave My Word that My children would follow it, be instructed by it, trust in it.

Be radically influenced by My Word.

What is impacting you? Are you being led by feelings of truth?

The truth makes you free; releases you from things that are false. The truth has the power to stop wrong actions, wrong words, things that destroy. But as an auto cannot run without fuel, My children cannot live successfully without My Word in them.

Read it, hear it, soak in it. It will influence your actions. And your heart.

The Way of Repentance 8-26-18 Pastor Gray

In 2 Samuel 12:1-13, the prophet Nathan comes before King David with a story of a rich man who took the only ewe lamb of a poor man. This angers King David and he demands that man repay 4 lambs for the one.

When then told he was the rich man, King David repents of his sin with Bathsheba.

Anything birthed out of sin, God will not bless nor will He advance it. We must deal with any sin or transgression before entering God’s throne room.