Abraham Believed God

Join Hosanna Fellowship and guest speaker Pastor Jeff Pickerel.

The devil wants to keep everybody from believing in Jesus. If he can’t stop you from believing in Jesus, he wants to keep you from being effective in the Kingdom of God.

Have we been “wearied by the footmen”? The horses are coming, and you and I must be ready. We must BELIEVE God, not just believe IN Him.

Proverbs 21:23

stick people chatting
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images on Pixabay

Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles.

Silence is the most massive thing conceivable at times. It is strength in grandeur. The mouth is the gate of the soul. We should watch what we open our mouths and say. The Lord warned us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. I would like to always speak life, health, prosperity, and love with my mouth and soul.

How about you?

God’s Kingdom Inside of Us

Jesus wants the castaways brought in.

Sometimes we can get messed up, caught in sin. Through Galatians 6:1-6 Pastor preaches about how we are to restore a fellow Christian brother or sister who has fallen. If we are caught up in the Law, we cannot restore that person. The Law makes it worse. We can restore only through the love and power of God.

Dig into the Word of God

child reading the Bible

There are treasures upon the surface of the Word which we may pick up very readily: even the casual reader will find himself able to understand the simplicities and elements of the gospel of God; but the Word of God yields most to the digger. He that can study hard and press into the inner meaning–he is the man that shall be enriched with riches current in heavenly places. ~Charles Spurgeon

Carnal Christians 2-17-19 Pastor Gray

Western culture is filled with carnal Christians, but the Eastern Hemisphere is experiencing an overwhelming revival. Pastor Gray expounds on John 14:5-6.

In expounding on John 14:5-6, Pastor Gray states, “Either Jesus is God or He is the greatest deceiver that ever landed on planet Earth. Jesus said, ‘I am the way.’ He didn’t say ‘I am a way,’ but the way.'”

“The way” means direction, path, road. Jesus says “I am” the path, the road, to God. You can’t follow The Way and be carnal.

Daily Transformation

There is a continual transformation in this life. Beholding the Lord and His glory, we are “transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Cor. 3:18).

There is a continual unveiling, a constant revelation, a repeated clothing from above. I want you to promise God never to look back, never to go back. Nothing of what the Spirit has said is done away with. I promised the Lord that I would never allow myself to doubt His Word.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled 2-10-19 Pastor Gray

You don’t have control over certain things, such as trouble that comes your way. But you have control over your heart.

You trust God, and God trusts you. He trusted His faith to you, that you might use His faith, just as He used His faith when He was here on Earth. When we use that faith, He increases it.

Mustard Seed

mustard seeds

Trust God to transform the smallest faith into a mighty kingdom.

The mustard tree is drought tolerant, and if we have faith even the size of a tiny mustard seed, we too can tolerate the dry times in our lives, the difficult growing seasons of a Christian. And even when we are “planted” in poor soil we can still grow, even if we only have a small amount of faith.

Incidentally, the mustard tree has many uses. Mustard trees have been found in various locations throughout the world. Even though it’s one of the smallest seeds, the trees can grow up to 20 feet tall and 20 feet wide. The tree can grow in arid, dry climates and thrive even in clay or sandy soil. It can grow in hot, dry weather or cool, wet climates.

I see the mustard seed as being symbolic of faith in that our faith can be tested in the “dry times,” the most difficult of circumstances (drought, poor soil, and in clay or sandy ground).  Also, even if the tree is cut down to the trunk, it can grow back again, so the analogy is that even during times of pruning, the believer can overcome and come back stronger than ever.

Fear and Faith Cannot Co-Exist 2-3-19 Pastor Gray

Job prayed from a perspective of fear, “the thing I greatly feared has come upon me.” (Job 3:25) That was not a prayer of victory or praise.

Satan attacks us in 3 areas: our wealth, our children, our body. Listen in as Pastor Gray examines how Job prayed out of fear, and that we need to pray from faith.

Prayer Is the Key

hands clasped in prayer

Through prayer and gentle guidance we may truly make a difference in someone’s life. So speak kindly, with mercy and grace. Speak distinctly, as we mete out counsel to those we love, cherish, and adore.

Please don’t wait until a crisis arises. Commune with Him daily and seek His face. Plan, pray, persevere, for we are here today, tomorrow gone!