Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Jesus cleansed the temple twice. As we approach Resurrection Sunday, Pastor Gray examines the first time Jesus did this.

What would Jesus do if He came to your house? Would He be pleased or would He find a need to cleanse it?

There Are No Gray Areas

Pastor Gray looks at Matthew 5:14, we are the light of the world.

There are no gray areas with Jesus. He is the light of the world. As His followers, His light comes to the world through us.

We are also the salt of the earth. God doesn’t challenge us to become light to the world or salt to the earth. He simply states, “You are the light and the salt.”

He Who Overcomes

Pastor Gray gives us an encouraging message about what it is to be an overcomer.

Those who are born of God become sons of God, and He desires that we become mature sons who overcome.

We continue to have issues with the audio. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope to have this resolved soon.

Not an Option

For today’s Christian, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is standard equipment, not an option.

Pastor Gray preaches about the power that comes with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and that it is essential for our lives today.

Trust God

God is ready to bring revival, but are His people ready for it?

Pastor Terry Duree examines several Scriptures to point out God’s love for us and the power and authority He has given us. Trust God and His Word to us.

You Are Sealed

Pastor Gray expounds on how we are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

We need not fear death or the coming tribulation. Instead we are to be salt and light to those around us.

Listen in and be encouraged.

Meditate Day and Night

The Lord’s return is near! Pastor Gray looks at Revelation 6:1-8.

The Antichrist’s activities are presently being restrained; however, our enemy is working to deceive as many as he can.

As the tribulation draws closer, we must meditate day and night on God’s Word. Only in His Word will we find the wisdom and guidance we need for the end times.

You’ll want to listen to this sermon more than once.

See and Enter the Kingdom of God

Pastor Gray dives into an examination of seeing and entering the kingdom of God.

What occurs in the process of being born again, and what does God desire of us? Does God enjoy His relationship with you?

Audio difficulties  have compromised the quality of our videos, but we are diligently working to fix this. Thank you for bearing with us.

What Is in Your Heart?

Pastor Gray looks at Romans 10:4-13, with a deeper dive into the grace of God.

When we face difficulties, what comes out of our mouths will show the world what is in our hearts. Listen in and discover more.

The Grace of God

Pray Gray preaches on Eph. 2:4-9, the grace of God.

“Even when we were dead in trespasses, [God] made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)” (Eph. 2:5 NKJV). God’s love for us surpasses all human understanding.

Listen in and discover God’s great grace for you.