What Does the Resurrection Mean for Me Today? 4-21-19

Larry Gray Jr. expounds on Mark 16:5 and what Christ’s resurrection does for us.

We are to walk in the newness of life.

We Need to Show the People Who God Is 4-14-19 Pastor Gray

We live in a world that’s drastically changing, a world that has gone insane. Jesus told us in Matthew 24 that the world would grow worse and worse.

Elijah the prophet showed his world who God is. How do we, today, show people who God is?

(You might need to turn your speakers up louder than usual.)

Don’t Lose Your Passion for Jesus 4-7-19 Doc Shell

Culture doesn’t change the church; the church is meant to change the culture. There are two things are on the prophetic horizon: either the judgment of God or revival.

How do I respond to the day in which I’m living and to the culture I live in? Listen in as Pastor Doc Shell explains.

Don’t lose your passion for Jesus or the fire of God.

Ask in Faith for Wisdom

Pastor Bill Grace examines James 1:5-8, asking for wisdom and not doubting.

Sometimes we get into a place where we doubt whether Jesus will perform His promises for us. Jesus answered John the Baptist’s doubts by stating the miracles that were happening. God still uses men and women today to perform His miracles.

One more, Lord, one more. 3-24-19 Pastor Gray

Pastor preaches about being born again, citing John 3:1-3 and Nicodemus’ nighttime visit to Jesus. Jesus saw Nicodemus’ desire for the truth.

Do you desire truth? Do you desire to live in the kingdom of God? Enter in through the washing of the Word.

Do You Walk in Your Promise?

Abraham was satisfied with life. Not satisfied with his life, but satisfied with life. Why?

Because it wasn’t about him, but about what God did through him and for him. Abraham believed God and faith in God to do the impossible. That’s what we need. Being satisfied with life is about walking in the promise God has given us.

Abraham Believed God

Join Hosanna Fellowship and guest speaker Pastor Jeff Pickerel.

The devil wants to keep everybody from believing in Jesus. If he can’t stop you from believing in Jesus, he wants to keep you from being effective in the Kingdom of God.

Have we been “wearied by the footmen”? The horses are coming, and you and I must be ready. We must BELIEVE God, not just believe IN Him.

God’s Kingdom Inside of Us

Jesus wants the castaways brought in.

Sometimes we can get messed up, caught in sin. Through Galatians 6:1-6 Pastor preaches about how we are to restore a fellow Christian brother or sister who has fallen. If we are caught up in the Law, we cannot restore that person. The Law makes it worse. We can restore only through the love and power of God.

Carnal Christians 2-17-19 Pastor Gray

Western culture is filled with carnal Christians, but the Eastern Hemisphere is experiencing an overwhelming revival. Pastor Gray expounds on John 14:5-6.

In expounding on John 14:5-6, Pastor Gray states, “Either Jesus is God or He is the greatest deceiver that ever landed on planet Earth. Jesus said, ‘I am the way.’ He didn’t say ‘I am a way,’ but the way.'”

“The way” means direction, path, road. Jesus says “I am” the path, the road, to God. You can’t follow The Way and be carnal.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled 2-10-19 Pastor Gray

You don’t have control over certain things, such as trouble that comes your way. But you have control over your heart.

You trust God, and God trusts you. He trusted His faith to you, that you might use His faith, just as He used His faith when He was here on Earth. When we use that faith, He increases it.