Drawing on John 14:12 and Hebrews 13:8, Pastor Gray admonishes the church to trust the Bible and walk in the power God has given us.
Honoring Mothers–Honoring God
Pastor Gray Jr. honors moms and God through fun and music.
Tickling Ears and the Apostacy
In Sunday’s message, May 1, Pastor Gray exhorts the church on 2 Timothy 4:1-5, “wanting to have their ears tickled…in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away…from the truth.”
We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ. Are you doing what the Lord has called you to do, using the gifts He has given you, or do you have tickling ears?
God’s Eternal Difference
In the light of Matthew 7:23, “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you,'” guest speaker Pastor Doc Shell discusses three substitutes people make for salvation.
Barabbas or Jesus the Messiah?
Pastor Gray asks are you believing in a myth or truth?
Pilate asked the Pharisees if he should release to them Barabbas or Jesus the Messiah. They asked for Barabbas (Iron Father), and the church today is asking for the same thing.
Listen in and learn more.
Cleansing the Temple
On this Palm Sunday, Pastor Gray looks at how Jesus began and ended His time on Earth by cleansing the Temple.
As His second coming draws near, He is again cleansing His temple the Church. How does this relate to Palm Sunday? Listen in and find out.
Make a Declaration
Pastor Gray examines repentance and declaration.
Looking at 2 Corinthians 7:8-11, Pastor states no declaration can be made unless repentance comes first.
Listen in to find out more and how you can declare the Word over your life and your family.
Step into Life-giving Water
Pastor Bill Grace shares Ezekiel 47:1-12.
God’s Word tells us He will show us great and mighty things. Surrender to Him an step into His life-giving water.
Now No Condemnation
Pastor Gray looks at Romans 8:1-3.
Condemnation does not exist in the life of a “you who” person. They are waiting for the Lord to return and want to be the person God has called them to be.
Are you a “you who” person? Listen in and find out how to know if you are.
The Breath of God
Pastor Gray examines Ezekiel 37:1-10.
God called Ezekiel to prophesy over a valley full of dry bones. And Ezekiel obeyed and the bones came together and sinew and flesh came upon the bones. But it wasn’t until God breathed into them that they came alive.
How do these dry bones relate to today’s church? Listen in to find the answer.