
child reading the BibleEveryone will be influenced by someone or something.

I gave My Word that My children would follow it, be instructed by it, trust in it.

Be radically influenced by My Word.

What is impacting you? Are you being led by feelings of truth?

The truth makes you free; releases you from things that are false. The truth has the power to stop wrong actions, wrong words, things that destroy. But as an auto cannot run without fuel, My children cannot live successfully without My Word in them.

Read it, hear it, soak in it. It will influence your actions. And your heart.

The Way of Repentance 8-26-18 Pastor Gray

In 2 Samuel 12:1-13, the prophet Nathan comes before King David with a story of a rich man who took the only ewe lamb of a poor man. This angers King David and he demands that man repay 4 lambs for the one.

When then told he was the rich man, King David repents of his sin with Bathsheba.

Anything birthed out of sin, God will not bless nor will He advance it. We must deal with any sin or transgression before entering God’s throne room.

Are there Giants in Your Land?

Pikes Peak, Colorado at sunsetDon’t be fearful or afraid to occupy the promises the Lord has given you. Don’t just settle for less when you know the Father has more for you.

Self-doubt holds back more believers than any other enemy.

But know this: when you know something is from Me and you’re obedient to step out in it, I will keep your back and bless you for overcoming that fear. I say choose blessings or curses. They don’t choose, you do!

Focus on My love and provision and you’ll soon be on that mountain and not living in the dark valley. But know this, those whom I can trust in small matters will be leaders of much larger ones. Because in times such as this, leaders must press on for the goal and not give up, ever.

Are you ready to go to higher ground?

Photo courtesy of GregRon Photography. Used with permission.

Our Thorn in the Flesh 8-19-2018

Pastor Larry Gray expounds on 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 concerning Paul’s thorn in the flesh. What it wasn’t, what it was, and why God didn’t take it away.

The apostle Paul’s thorn in the flesh was not a physical condition, but a messenger from the devil. God allowed it to protect Paul from pride because God gave him such great revelations about the Kingdom. In the same way, God may allow something similar to happen to us. God’s grace is greater than anything the devil can send against us. And God’s grace is sufficient for us in our weakness.

Are You My Child?

red flowers at sunrise

Do you not know how I want to care for you?

But many times I must watch as My children struggle to walk alone. When you surrender to My will, when you repent and receive My free gift of salvation, then I will direct your steps.

You have only to ask and believe.

Many are deceived and don’t understand My love. My heart’s desire is to have a relationship with My children. The time is approaching soon when My church, those who know Me as Lord and Savior, will come home. Don’t let pride or stubbornness keep you away.

Come just as you are.

Come today, not next week. Today is the day of salvation. Can you trust Me? I will do all I’ve promised.

My Kingdom is forever and it’s for you.

Singspiration Concert with Soul Harvest

Soul Harvest QuartetCome join the Soul Harvest Quartet and the Gray Family singers this Friday, Aug. 24, at 7, for an evening of toe-tapping music that’s sure to be fun and uplifting.

The Soul Harvest Quartet evolved from a group Tom Heath started in 1997 called the Right Direction. Today the group includes [Read more…]

The Greatest Miracle, 8-12-18 Pastor Larry Gray

Pastor Gray expounds on Acts 16:16-19 concerning the slave girl that grieved the apostle Paul and being grieved for the lost. Discover what the greatest miracle is and the power and authority we have to command actions in the spiritual realm.

You Are Not to Keep Score!

forest pathSo many of My children feel like they have let Me down, not done anything to please Me. The only way to let Me down is to not finish the race. Keep walking the path before you and it will lead you exactly where I want you to be.

Don’t rely on feel-good scorecards. Just because something feels good, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is good for you. Or that it is My plan.

My peace is what should lead you. Don’t go there is you don’t sense My peace in your heart. Don’t keep score for that usually means you’re looking at your past. Today is where you live.

Rejoice that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. That’s the only scorecard you’ll ever need!

You are mine, always.

God Wants Us to Multiply

Pastor John, from India, expounds on the principle of multiplication in God’s kingdom, using Acts 6:7 and 2 Cor. 8:1-2. The blessings of multiplication happen because of prayer, the spirit of giving, being bold, and being filled with the spirit.

We Are Salt & Light to the World – 7-22-18

Pastor Larry Gray expounds on Matthew 5:13-14, we are the salt and light of the world. Our job as born-again Christians is to teach others how to become a citizen in God’s Kingdom.

God wants us to learn how to live in His Kingdom.