Simply Jesus Conference Workshop Pastor Jeff Pickerel

In workshop 3 of the Simply Jesus Conference, Pastor Jeff Pickerel examines the role of worship.

Simply Jesus Conference Workshop 2 Pastor Dave Chikosi

Pastor Dave Chikosi delivers the second workshop of the Simply Jesus Conference, a powerful lesson on gaining breakthrough.

A Time of Arrogance

Pastor Gray speaks out about the false prophets of today and the need for repentance.

The world and the church of today are filled with arrogance. Prophets are the eyes and ears of the Lord, but many refuse to listen to the Lord’s instructions. We must beware of false prophets for they come in sheep’s clothing but are ravening wolves.

Wake up! And start preaching Jesus, simply Jesus.

Simply Jesus Conference Workshop Terry Duree

In this first workshop of the Simply Jesus Summer Conference, Pastor Duree discusses the price Jesus paid and that we need to be about our Father’s business.

Twice Born

Pastor Doc Shell discusses the fear of God that is often missing in the churches of today, and being born again. Do not be one to whom Jesus says, “I never knew you.”

Pastor expounds on four steps to knowing with certainty that you are born again. The first is conviction of sin. Next is confession of the truth. Third, God cleanses your heart. Listen in to hear the fourth.

The Parable of the Lost

On the second night of the Simply Jesus Conference, Pastor Shell asks the question “Why did Jesus come?”

Pastor Shell examines in a whole new way the parable of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son in Luke 15. Listen in a ask yourself if you fit into any of these three categories.

Jesus Our Kinsman Redeemer

Our Simply Jesus Summer Conference opens on Friday night, July 19, 2024. Pastor Doc Shell preaches about the kinsman redeemer.

The kinsman redeemer buys back something that has been lost. Listen in and discover everything Jesus, as our kinsman redeemer, bought back for us.

Christ’s Example to Us

Pastor Gray expounds on 1 Peter 2:21: “For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps.”

We are soldiers for the Lord. But we cannot be soldiers without first being servants, and we cannot be servants without first being pupils. Christ is the example we are to follow and become like.

Grab your Bible and follow along with us.

God’s Timetable

Pastor Gray looks at God’s timetable and our time on earth.

Our time here on Earth is equivalent to 7 minutes in eternity. Is your life glorifying God?

Adoption as Sons

Pastor Gray outlines what Jesus did to be our perfect sacrifice for sin.

In the fullness of time, Jesus came to the earth, not as God, not as an angel, but as a man. Why? Because only as man could He pay the price for mankind’s sin. What the law could not do, Jesus did, so we could receive the adoption of sons.