The Chastisement of the Lord 6-7-20

Pastor expounds on 2 Cor. 7:7-8. The apostle Paul did not want to rebuke the Corinthian church, but he knew it was needed. The church members were openly committing sin.

Today’s church is in much the same condition. What must we do?

TODAY Is the Day of Salvation 5-31-20

Hebrews 3:7 admonishes us not to harden our heart as the Israelites did in the desert. We harden our hearts when we don’t walk in faith.

Pastor expounds on Heb. 3:7-15. God does save at the midnight hour; however, we are living in the eleventh hour. So, while it is still called today, receive Jesus as your Savior and walk in faith.

The Judgment Seat of Christ 5-24-20

Pastor examines the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Judgment Throne of God.

One promises eternal life, the other eternal damnation. Which will you find yourself standing before?

Hell Is an Unquenchable Fire 5-17-20 Pastor Gray

Jesus spoke more about hell than he spoke about heaven. There are over 162 references in the New Testament that warn us about hell.

Hell is as real as heaven. Those who believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God will to to heaven. Those who reject Jesus will go to hell.

There Was a Man 5-10-20 Pastor Grace

Pastor Bill Grace examines Luke 16:19-31, the rich man and the beggar man, as well as John 3.

We must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God, and we each have an individual responsibility to come face to face with Jesus.

Jesus Is the Light of the World 5-3-20

The light God called forth on the first day of creation was the light of Jesus. We have to make a choice to follow Jesus and a choice to be holy.

The Word was made flesh. 4-26-20

Pastor Gray preaches from the parking lot as we continue in the quarantine. God placed his word above his name.

Pastor examines John 1:1-4 and 14. We know through Scripture there is no other name higher than the name of Jesus. Jesus is not only the Word, but He is also the Creator of all things. God’s Word brings us life.


We can attend church inside on May 3 or you can continue to watch from Facebook Live.

Believe, Know, and Have Faith 4-19-2020

It was an issue 2000 years ago and is still an issue today.

Is Jesus the Son of God? Pastor expounds on 1 John 5:1-15, to believe, know, and have faith that Jesus is the Son of God.

I Ascend to My Father and your Father

Easter Sunday 2020, Pastor Gray preaches from the church lobby about how Jesus became the unblemished lamb on the cross for sin.

In His death, Jesus took away the first covenant and established the second. That second covenant is our salvation, healing, and deliverance, and to be raised up from the dead. Jesus is ever making intercession for you.