Blessed Is the Man 9-13-20

Pastor examines Psalm 1.

Are we standing in the way of the Truth reaching unbelievers or are we drawing them to the Truth?

You Have Attained Unto Royalty 9-6-20

Pastor looks at Esther 4:11-14 and how it applies to today’s Church.

The enemy wants to destroy your legacy, destroy your name. He wants to destroy the kingdom of God. How does the enemy destroy the kingdom of God? Listen in to find out more.

God Is Calling the Church to Wake Up 8-30-20

Pastor Bill Grace expounds on discipline, sacrifice, and obedience.

Pastor Grace examines 2 Chronicles 7:11-16 and the story of Deborah the judge. He encourages the Church to wake up and walk in our resurrected life.

The WORD of God 8-23-20

Pastor Gray examines faith and Jesus’ earthly ministry.

We each have been given a measure of faith. As we use that faith, it increases. And that one faith saves us, delivers us, heals us.

Who Are You 8-16-20 Pastor Mike Harris

Guest speaker Pastor Mike Harris of The Ambassadors asks who are you and what is your role in the kingdom of God.

Pastor Harris expounds on Romans 8:28-31.

The Great Commission 8-9-20

Pastor Gray completes his series on Matthew 28:18-20, the Great Commission.

Jesus gave us His authority and His name, and now tells us to go into the world and make disciples.

The Name of Jesus 8-2-2020

Jesus first gave us His authority and now He’s going to give us His name.

His authority sends us; his authority guides us, and his authority empowers us. So now He tells us to go in His name.

The Authority of Jesus 7-26-2020

Pastor examines Matthew 28:18 and discusses Jesus’ authority and ours as we are in Him.

The Gospel of the Kingdom 7-17-20 Pastor Shell

Friday, July 17, 2020. Stir the Flames Conference keynote speaker Pastor Doc Shell.

Stir the Flames Conference keynote speaker Pastor Doc Shell gives an overview of Matthew 24 and the expounds on the gospel of the kingdom.

Woe! 7-12-2020 Pastor Larry Gray

The trouble for today’s Church will not come from the world, but from the Church.

Jesus gave eight woes to the scribes and Pharisees, the religious leaders of His day. He called them hypocrites. Where is the Church today?