Examination 11-22-20

People want God’s peace, but not God’s presence because His presence brings change. Pastor Gray preaches on 2 Cor 13:5, test yourselves to see if you are in the faith.

Pastor takes another look at what pastors have taken out of the Bible and the need for repentance. Repentance starts first in the pulpit and then flows out to the congregation.

The Lord Speaks 11-15-20

God is starting to speak to pastors: “How do you expect the world not to be liberal when most of our Bible-based churches have taken away scripture, and they are liberal?”

What has the church excised from the Bible and how has that impacted us today? Listen as Pastor Gray preaches about the false doctrines in today’s churches across America.

The Hand of God 11-8-20

As Pastor Gray looks at Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15-18, he explains how believers are the extended hand of God.

Believers will cast out demons, lay hands on the sick and they will be healed, and more. How exciting it is to be God’s hands here on Earth!

Born of Water and of the Spirit 11-1-20

Pastor Gray expounds on seeing and entering the kingdom of God.

He discusses the work of Holy Spirit in convicting us, our response to that conviction, and our subsequent death and resurrection in faith.

The Balance of our Choices 10-25-20

What choices are you making today? Are they impacting your life for life or death?

Whatever choices we make they will be blessings or curses. Pastor Bill expounds on listening to God, changing, and making choices for life and not death.

Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help 10-18-20

Woe, from Isaiah 31:1, is a warning to us, and God has gives us a choice about that warning.

When we need help we can go to “down to Egypt” or to the Lord. Where are you going?

God’s Provision 10-11-20 Pastor Gray

The apostle Paul learned the secret to living in the prosperity of the kingdom of God: Trust God.

By two immutable things–His promise and His oath–it’s impossible for God to lie. The promise God gave to Abraham is the same promise He’s given to us. His promise and His oath are our hope.

My God is able. Is yours?

The apostle Paul warns us in Timothy that perilous times will come. And he tells Timothy he must be able to defend the faith.

Those time are here and we need to be assured of whom we believe in. What do you believe personally that Jesus is able to do?

The New Man 9-27-20

Our salvation comes with many benefits. Do you know what they are?

As born again children of God, we establish Kingdom principles here on Earth, but also now receive blessings on Earth from those principles as well as treasure laid up in heaven.

The Fields Are White for Harvest 9-20-20

When people come to you, do do they recognize Jesus in you and can they find in you what they need that comes from the Lord?

We are going to reap for God’s kingdom what others have sown. Just as others will reap what we are sowing.