Fan the Flames of Revival Now 5-2-21

Pastor Larry Gray Jr. exhorts us to fan the flames of revival now.

We are the church of Acts and the church of Acts is for today. When the Word of God is spoken, it’s loud, it’s recognizable, and it’s drawing.

People need Jesus. Speak the Word!

Abraham Rejoiced to See the Day

Pastor Gray discusses John 8:53-56. Abraham saw Jesus’ day, from Calvary to the end and rejoiced.

If Abraham rejoiced, we who are living in this day should be excited and rejoicing as well.

When Miracles Become the Norm

In today’s culture we are astonished and awed when miracles occur, but is that how God expects it to be?

The miracle-working operation of God was normal for Jesus and in the lives of the first-century apostles. Miracles bring people into the church so they can then hear the gospel message.

Let it be so today so God can be glorified.

Cloud by Day, Fire by Night

Pastor Gray examines Exodus 14:13 as the Israelites face the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army bears down on them.

God placed his cloud behind the Israelites, providing them with light, but darkness to the enemy. He will do the same for us.

Why Look for the Living Among the Dead

Pastor Larry Gray gives his Easter sermon.

Pastor Gray opens Easter morning by asking two questions: Who rolled the stone away? and Why look ye for the living among the dead?

What Does an Idol Produce? 3-28-21

Guest Pastor Lonnie Hardy expounds on the story of Elijah and the showdown at Mt. Carmel and how it applies to us today.

The challenge wasn’t for the prophets. The challenge was for the heart of the people. God is looking for a remnant that will arise in the midst of a great falling away.

Where is your heart?

God’s Work in Kenya

Missionary Mike Heist and his wife share the work of the Lord in Kenya.

The Devil’s Strongholds – God’s Stronghold

Pastor Bill Grace reviews 2 Corinthians 10:1-6 and the differences between the devil’s strongholds and God’s stronghold.

Are you caught in one of the devil’s stronghold’s? Listen in and discover how to escape to God’s stronghold.

The Restrainer 3-7-21

Who is the restrainer and what is being restrained? Pastor Gray preaches on 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.

The apostacy of the Church must first occur before the Rapture comes and the “man of sin” can be revealed. We who are the Church currently restrain the devil, but when the Church stops preaching the Truth, what happens next?

The Other Prodigal Son 2-28-21

Pastor Gray examines the prodigal attitude of the brother who stayed with the father and how it applies to us today.

It is a word for the individual, the Church, and for Israel. Listen in and dive deeper into the story of the prodigal son.