You Can’t Love God & Not His Children

Pastor speaks on God’s love toward us and how we must love the children of God.

You can’t love love God and not His children. You can’t love His children and not God. We express our love for God by keeping His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome.

Do find His commandments burdensome? If so, why?

Be Imitators of God

Pastor discusses how children often behave like their parents and encourages us to be imitators of God our Father.

God wants us to copy who He is. He wants us to be imitators of who He is. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and prove what is the good and acceptable will of God.

Listen in for more.

The Kinsman Redeemer

Pastor Gray looks at the book of Ruth and examines the role of the kinsman redeemer.

After establishing who the kinsman redeemer is and what he does, Pastor turns to the book of Revelation and shows how Jesus is our kinsman redeemer.

Listen in and discover how amazing Jesus is!

(Some audio difficulties caused some audio to be lost. We apologize for this inconvenience as we learn a new broadcasting platform.)

Not Church as Usual

Pastor speaks a dedication over the ministry teams of the church and Pastors Mike and Pat Heiser share about their ministry in Kenya, Africa.

Christ in Me the Hope of Glory

Pastor expounds on Colossian 1:25-27, Christ in you, the hope of glory.

The Gospel is constantly bearing fruit and increasing. When you get saved Christ comes into you and he lives in you. Were are living by faith in the Son of God.

“Christ in me is all that I need.”

Listen in for more.

Make Me into a New Wine Skin

Why did John the Baptist’s disciples fast and Jesus’s didn’t? In answering, Pastor expounds on Matthew 9:14-17.

You do not put new wine into old wine skins. In the same manner, the Lord must perform a work in us before the new wine of the baptism of the Holy Spirit can fill us.

Get Excited Again!

Pastor Bill Grace encourages us to shake off what binds us and freely worship Jesus.

But Satan does everything he can to keep us out of God’s Kingdom. We have to choose whether we are going to be in the Kingdom of God or in the world.

Doing the Works of Jesus

Pastor Gray quotes Matthew 11:2-6 and John 14:11-12 as he examines the works of Jesus and what they mean for us today.

Today’s believers, through the power of the Holy Spirit in them, will do the works of Jesus and bring the gospel to those who are hungry to hear about Jesus.

The Liberal Church and the Last Days

Pastor preaches about the liberal church and the last days.

The enemy wants to neutralize Christ in the church, thus making the church powerless. We need to stop tolerating the things of the world and the things of the devil. The Church in the US is primed for the greatest revival known to man, but with it comes great persecution.

Where do you stand?

No Revelation, No Vision

Pastor begins his sermon on vision with prophecy from the people. Where there is no vision, the people perish, but happy is he who keeps the law.

Pastor explains that where there is no prophetic word, the people are blind, and today’s churches are blind because the prophets are not talking.

Listen in and discover two negative spirits that have entered into the church and possibly affected even you.