Jesus’ Final Act

Pastors Terry and Melissa Duree examine Jesus’ final act on the cross.

What was it and why did He do it? Listen in and learn.

Your Voice Is Needed

Through the story of Esther, Pastors Kenny and Candace Griffin encourage us that our voice is needed in the world today.

Are you going to remain silent?

Activating the Power of the Cross

Pastors Dave and Becky Chikosi and their children share a powerful message about activating the power of the cross.

The Authority and Authenticity of the Word of God

Pastors Jeff and Charla Pickrel share about the importance of the authority and authenticity of the Word of God.

Do you understand the authority and authenticity of the Bible? Are you authentic in your walk with God?

Listen in for more.

We Are the Salt of the Earth

Pastors Jerry and Mary Martin vividly demonstrate the power of salt of the earth to light the world.

And we are that salt and light. God has called you and equipped you for a work. Go, fulfill the work He has given you.

Our Biblical Identity

Guest speaker Pastor Doc Shell preaches on the message of the cross and what it says about our biblical identity.

Recheck Our Direction

On night 2 of the Hosanna Fall Kingdom Advance conference, Pastor Shell discusses the need to recheck our direction.

He looks at 3 things: God’s checklist for the journey, that God takes the cross and turns our weakness into the demonstration of God’s power, and God’s roadmap to home.

The Power of the Cross

Pastor Doc Shell kicks off the Hosanna Fall Kingdom Advance 2023 Conference by speaking about the power of the cross.

To start, we must ask ourselves two questions: Why did the cross have to be? and What does it mean to me?

Listen in and be encouraged.

God’s Disappointment in Us

Pastor Gray looks at Galatians 3:13 and Deuteronomy 28:1 & 2 to encourage believers that the blessing of God will overtake them.

He also explains that God’s gifts are irrevocable, but church is not using those gifts.

Listen in on how to receive God’s blessing and get encouragement to use God’s gifts.

Now Faith Is

Pastor Bill Grace encourages us to speak our faith into action.