A special message from the Lord


Message: I saw a father, and he had his hand out, and he was holding the hand of his child. As he walked along all of a sudden that child pulled its hand away. It wanted to go its own way and run away. His desire was that that child would stay close because there’s a lot of things, evil things, out there to pull us away. He wants us to come close so he can protect us because he loves us so much.

Don’t pull away like a child. Stay close and keep a hold of the Father’s hand. He’s going to lead you through times of troubles. He’s going to lead you through and He’s going to give you victory. The victory that you desire in your heart, that’s what He desires for His children. So stay close to your Father. He loves you so much. He has good things in store for you.

Pastor’s words: Let’s worship the Lord. Worthy. Stay close to the Father. Isn’t that true? I just had that dream last night, by the way, if you want to know the truth, of a little child just pulling away and running away. And we couldn’t find the child because it should have stayed close. And we should have kept our hand on it.

Listen, stay close to the Father. Man, He’s got a hold of you. And I know that you think sometimes He’s not here, but He has never forsaken you, nor me, nor will he ever leave us. Amen. Can you say amen to that?

I like this part that Paul said to Timothy. He said, “Timothy, when you’re faithless, God remains faithful.” John says in 1 John, listen what he said, he said, “When your heart deceives you, God is greater than your heart.” How about that?

We like every coming from the heart, but sometimes the heart can deceive us. Or those emotions and feelings can deceive us. But God’s is greater than that. Someone say amen to that.